Book Details
- Title: How To Reach Your Writing Goals Like A Pro: A Step by Step Guide to becoming a Self-Published Author [even Mark Twain talked about]
- Series: How To Master Your Life (Book 2)
- Author: M.C. Simon
- Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help
- Format: Paperback and Kindle
- Length: 128 pages
- Publication Date: November 18, 2015
- Publisher: IML Publishing
- Kindle Price: $6.99
- Paperback Price: $14.99
HOW TO REACH YOUR WRITING GOALS LIKE A PRO is your Step by Step Guide for becoming a Self-Published Author.
This book provides all the proven steps that you need to plan your success and see your writing goals fulfilled. It will not only help with your writing goals but if you adapt the procedures described within this book to all your life goals, you will soon become a Master of your own life.
addresses those who feel that writing is their calling but still don't have the confidence to do it.
shows you how to find your answers to: who, what, when, why, and how?
gives you the boost to overcome all your worries and finally start what should have already been started.
proves to you that the road you wish to step onto is not as hard as you may think, or as difficult as others have convinced you of being.
shows you how by following a good plan, you will finally see your book published from ground zero. Meanwhile, you will learn to enjoy each accomplished phase. And most of all... you will learn to relax while you are working for your goals.
Chapter 2: Step 1 - Declutter Your Mind
OK. Let’s get started!
No matter what your goal is, no matter how easy or hard you may think it is to attain, the first step that you must take is to declutter your mind.
One of the reasons for which you still haven’t reached your writing goals, is the fact that all of what you’ve learned and heard about publishing your book or about becoming a successful writer, were implemented ideas that are now blocking their fulfillment inside you.
“I have spent most of my time worrying about things that have never happened.” ~ Mark Twain.
For this reason, it’s a great decision to first unlearn what you have learned.
Why do you need to do this? Let me briefly explain.
During our life, we’ve been brainwashed to think that certain goals are impossible to attain. I am telling you that this is one of the biggest lies that we encounter in our lives.
If you are serious about your dreams, if you really wish with all your heart to materialize your dreams, nothing… and I mean nothing can stand in your way. All you have to do is to get rid of all the garbage that was inoculated in your beliefs. Do it and don’t lose time finding out who put it in your mind, why this was done, and most of all don’t blame the ones who taught you those things. They were themselves taught by others and maybe they were well intentioned when they did it. It could have just been because they thought that, that was the ultimate truth. No matter what, this is not your problem but theirs. They were wrong, and you just started on the road to prove it to the whole world. [Read more]
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Writer, translator, engineer, researcher, project manager, blogger, eternal student... these are only a few words to describe M.C. Simon.
In a recent interview she confessed:
"I am not only M.C. Simon, the writer whose goal is to rebuild in people the trust in their own forces and in the incredible powers that they received at birth; powers that, maybe they have forgotten about somewhere inside the depth of their being.
I AM all what "I am not only", and much more! I AM who I AM. And in this form, I follow my Path to consciously touch The Absolute... The ONE who's Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.
The same as YOU and like any other soul that accepted in these times, the challenge to experience life inside a human body, on this wonderful planet we call Earth."
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