Sunday, November 11, 2018

Book Spotlight: Kicker: The Forgotten Front by @rgreyhoover #ASMSG #VeteransDay

In honor of Veteran's Day, I am honored to support author R. Grey Hoover with the release of his latest novel Kicker: The Forgotten Front.

Kicker: The Forgotten Front
by R. Grey Hoover
Genre: Historical Thriller


World War II is raging. A young father must choose between his family and duty to his country- a decision that could cost him everything.

Based on actual experiences of United States veterans and official military aviation history records from World War II, this is the thrilling story of a family’s journey into war. While his loved ones struggle with shortages and rationing at home, Sam endures relentless Japanese attacks against his unarmed aircraft over the treacherous mountains and torrid jungles of Asia. His job is to drop supplies to Merrill’s Marauders and over 750,000 allied soldiers fighting in the perilous jungles of Burma. If the enemy is not stopped, the American way of life will end.


April 4, 1944 - Dinjan Airbase, India

Sam and Bobby Joe were totally exhausted when they crawled into their charpoys. The harrowing events of the day had taken its toll on them physically and mentally. In spite of the heat and noise of the jungle, Sam felt the blessed relief of sleep approaching soon after his head hit the pillow. However, as he drifted off, a feeling of unease came over him. It was a feeling that something was wrong, not here in India, but at home. He didn’t know if he felt uneasy because he still hadn’t received mail from home or because of some unknown reason, but the feeling stayed with him until he finally succumbed to his exhaustion and slipped into a deep sleep.

Thankfully, his slumber was not disturbed by his recurring nightmare, and he slept soundly until the wee hours of the morning when he suddenly awoke not knowing what had disturbed him. A light rain was falling outside, and except for an occasional flash of distant lightning, the basha was in total darkness. He lay very still, listening to the sounds around him. He strained his hearing, but no sound came except for the steady breathing of the sleeping men around him. After several minutes, he relaxed, thinking his imagination was playing tricks on him. He was almost asleep again when he thought he detected a faint unfamiliar sound coming from somewhere in the basha. Once again, he listened intently, not sure he had heard anything; but then he heard the sound again—only this time it seemed closer, and he was sure it came from within the basha. He couldn’t quite place the sound, but it seemed like something soft brushing against an object. He listened closely, but all was silent. None of the other men in the basha stirred, and after an extended period of silence, he relaxed once again in anticipation of sleep.

He was in that dreamy state just before slumber when he felt the presence of something or someone nearby. Once again, his senses came to full alert, and he made a conscious effort not to move. He listened carefully, bringing all his senses to bear. He could see or hear nothing, and yet he was sure something was there. He was startled when someone at the other end of the room moved, but then all was silent once again. He was lying on his back, so he slowly moved his head to the right and scanned the darkness.

At first he saw nothing, but then attention was drawn to a slight movement at the foot of his bed. He couldn’t make out what it was. It appeared to be an undistinguishable shadow against the darker background of the room. As he watched, the shadow moved, and he held his breath as it silently glided along the side of his bed. There was no sound as it moved, and it slowly drew nearer and stopped near the head of his bed. He could tell that it was something large, but due to the extreme darkness, he was unable to see what it was. His instincts told him this was something dangerous and evil, and the hairs on the nape of his neck stood erect. At that moment, a distant flash of lightning faintly illuminated the scene, and in that instant of light, Sam could see the large form of a tiger standing beside him.

The animal’s head was enormous. Its eyes, momentarily reflecting light from the faraway lightning, gave the beast an evil, devil-like appearance. This was death incarnate staring directly at him.

Sam was frozen with fear, and his heart seemed to stop. His .45-caliber pistol hung on the wall not three feet away, and he cursed himself for not keeping it inside the mosquito netting with him. He knew the tiger could see that he was awake, and he feared any movement would cause it to attack. The animal stepped closer, and Sam could see its dim outline and smell its damp fur and the fetid odor of its breath. The tiger appeared to know its victim was helpless. The great beast took its time as it sniffed the mosquito netting as if testing its strength. Slowly it raised a huge paw and placed it against the puny impediment. The tiger’s claws caught in the netting, and with a mighty swipe, it ripped the flimsy material away from the bed.

Buy links: Kindle US | Kindle UK | Kindle CA |

About the Author:

R. Grey Hoover is an Air Force veteran who was born and raised in the wooded hills of Pennsylvania where this historical novel begins and ends. The novel is based on the actual experiences of his father and other veterans in the CBI theater of World War II.

Media Links:
WebsiteBlog | Pinterest | 2018 Tribute to Veterans


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King Arthur's Sister in Washington's Court! To enter, click HERE.

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Flying into Fall with the Dawnflier of author @KimHeadlee #MFRWOrg #ASMSG

I don't know about you, but my summer flew by for several reasons, book-related and otherwise.

Liberty by Kim Iverson Headlee
Audiobook cover (c) 2017 by Natasha Brown

On the book front, I wrapped up production of the audiobook edition of Liberty -- now available on Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, iTunes, and Kobo.

Development of the comic book version of The Challenge is in the final phase, and it features art and storyboard by DC and Marvel Comics artist Tim Shinn. He has begun delivering finished, fully colored pages, and the comic should be available later this fall.

  • 15 September: Art at the Crossroads street fair, 1 – 6 p.m., Main Street, Wytheville, VA. My booth's location TBA.
  • 21–23 September: RavenCon 13.5 literary convention, Four Points Sheraton Midlothian, 9901 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA. Guest author and possibly a vendor. Program participation: Business of Writing lecture, a reading, and several panels.
  • 29 September: BW Country Store "Meet the Author" book signing, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Big Walker Lookout, Wytheville, VA.
  • 3 October: Olde Magick Ways cultural gift shop "Meet the Author" book signing, 6 p.m., 4763 US Highway 17 Bypass South, Murrells Inlet, SC.
  • 13 October: Connecticut Renaissance Faire, "Meet Author Kim Headlee" special book signing, 1 – 3 p.m., 122 Mack Rd, Lebanon, CT. Come celebrate Halloween with me on this, the last Saturday of the faire; huzzah!
  • 20 October: Dragon Festival, Virginia Museum of Natural History, 21 Starling Avenue, Martinsville, VA: vendor table; my program participation TBA.
  • 27 October: NRCC Comic-Con, New River Community College, Edwards Hall, 5251 State Rd 373, Dublin, VA: vendor table.

Autumnal blessings to you!


I'm running a giveaway for an e-copy of
Snow in July!
To enter, click HERE.

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Friday, August 31, 2018

#NewRelease The Du Lac Prophecy (Du Lac Chronicles #4) by @MaryAnneYarde with #giveaways

Today I'm happy to support my author friend Mary Anne Yarde with the release of her latest novel The Du Lac Prophecy!

The Du Lac Prophecy
by Mary Anne Yarde
The Du Lac Chronicles #4
Genre: Historical Fantasy

Two Prophesies. Two Noble Households. One Throne.

Distrust and greed threaten to destroy the House of du Lac. Mordred Pendragon strengthens his hold on Brittany and the surrounding kingdoms while Alan, Mordred’s cousin, embarks on a desperate quest to find Arthur’s lost knights. Without the knights and the relics they hold in trust, they cannot defeat Arthur’s only son – but finding the knights is only half of the battle. Convincing them to fight on the side of the Du Lac’s, their sworn enemy, will not be easy.

If Alden, King of Cerniw, cannot bring unity there will be no need for Arthur’s knights. With Budic threatening to invade Alden’s Kingdom, Merton putting love before duty, and Garren disappearing to goodness knows where, what hope does Alden have? If Alden cannot get his House in order, Mordred will destroy them all.


They won’t help you,” Bastian stated and Philippe turned to look at him. “The dead. They won’t help you.”

“I thought I was alone,” Philippe said as he looked back at Tristan’s tombstone.

“In Benwick Castle?” Bastian scoffed. “There is always someone watching. You know that as well as I do. Why are you here?”

“I came looking for answers.”

“Did you find any?” Bastian asked with cynicism.


“I didn’t think so.”

“Lancelot was a brave man, wasn’t he?” Philippe mumbled the question more to himself than anything else.

“As was Tristan,” Bastian agreed.

“Did you know him? Tristan, I mean.”

“A little. He kept himself to himself for the most part. He was wounded you see, during the battle of Benwick. He lost the use of his legs. He couldn’t walk. But he…” Bastian smiled as he remembered. “He was very wise. And he was happy to share that wisdom. I liked him. Although not everyone did. After Tristan died, there was talk. Some said he was a liar.”

“What did Lancelot say?” Philippe asked.

“I cannot imagine Lancelot being friends with someone who lied to him. But he neither condemned nor defended Tristan. He kept his own counsel. What are you going to do, Philippe?”

Philippe looked up at the sky. The lavender hue had changed to a blue one. He never appreciated how beautiful the sky was, until now. The day promised to be a warm one, but Philippe felt chilled.

“What would you do?” Philippe asked, as he rose to his feet and looked at his general.

“You have two choices. You can abdicate. Hand him the throne. Or...”

“Or...” Philippe encouraged.

“You could kill him,” Bastian said with a shrug.

Buy links: Kindle US | Kindle UK | Kindle CA |

About the Author:

Mary Anne Yarde is the multi award-winning author of the International Bestselling series — The Du Lac Chronicles. She grew up in the southwest of England, surrounded and influenced by centuries of history and mythology. Glastonbury — the fabled Isle of Avalon — was a mere fifteen-minute drive from her home, and tales of King Arthur and his knights were a part of her childhood.

Media Links:
Website/Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads |


I'm running a giveaway for an e-copy of 
Raging Sea: Enemies and Allies! To enter, click HERE.

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Goodreads Book Giveaway

Dawnflight by Kim Iverson Headlee


by Kim Iverson Headlee

Giveaway ends August 31, 2018.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway
Good luck!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Making a comic splash with The Dawnflier of author @KimHeadlee #MFRWOrg #ASMSG

The "comic" part of the subject header is to celebrate the fact that production of the comic book version of The Challenge, featuring art and storyboard by DC and Marvel Comics artist Tim Shinn, is underway! The 20-page, full-color comic should be available later this summer.

The Challenge comic pencil sketch
Art (c)2018 by Tim Shinn

Why the "splash?" Because after 40 years, I have decided that it's high time to get back to working on my health by reentering the lap pool. My strength and stamina are nowhere near that of my intercollegiate competition days, of course, but it's a start. :)

  • 30 June: BW Country Store "Meet the Author" book signing, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Big Walker Lookout, Wytheville, VA.
  • 6–8 July: Program participant (including my Business of Writing lecture and several panels) and vendor table in the Maryland Hallway at Shore Leave 40, Delta Hunt Valley by Marriott, Hunt Valley, MD. Special media guest on Saturday 7 July: William Shatner!
  • 13–14 July: 2018 Patchwork Quilters Jubilee, Graham Middle School, Bluefield, VA.
  • 20–22 July: Hungry Mother Festival, Hungry Mother State Park, Marion, VA. Rain or shine! But please pray for shine; paper and water don't mix. :D
  • 27–29 July: US 21 Road Market, a 110-mile, multistate yard sale from Wytheville, VA to Harmony, NC. My booth is in the same spot as last year: outside the Lakes to Florida Grill, Rt. 21, Wytheville, VA. I will be there on Friday 27 July; my husband will be covering the booth on Saturday and Sunday.
  • 28–29 July: WyVACon; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Wytheville Community College, Wytheville, VA. I am slated to give my Business of Writing presentation on Saturday 28 July and will be selling & signing my books both days.
  • 4 August: Big Lick Comic-Con 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., The Berglund Center, 710 Williamson Road, Roanoke, VA.

Keep cool and
Carry on.


I'm running a giveaway for an e-copy of
Raging Sea: Enemies and Allies!
To enter, click HERE.

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Happy Memorial Day from The Dawnflier of author @Kimheadlee! #ASMSG #MFRWOrg

As we enjoy the upcoming day off from our work's usual grind, let us take a moment to remember those who chose a life of service for our protection and freedom. My late father-in-law was one such person, and I have included his West Point freshman ("plebe") photo to honor his memory.

Cadet Harold Headlee, circa 1947

Book news:

  • The audiobook edition of Liberty is coming down to the wire, with the final six chapters, epilogue, and back matter sections remaining to record, review, and approve. I can scarcely wait to share it with you!
  • I estimate that I am within five chapters of finishing Raging Sea. I delivered part 1 (Raging Sea: Reckonings) and part 2 (Raging Sea: Enemies and Allies) to my editor earlier this month. Even though those e-books are on sale, I have asked her for specific feedback on reader expectations for part 3 in addition to her usual comments regarding character and plot development, pacing, theme, and so forth.
  • There have been so many changes to the publishing industry that I have overhauled my Business of Writing nonfiction book. My editor has those new sections for proofreading too.
  • I have entered into an agreement with an artist I met at Marscon (January 2018, Williamsburg, VA) to complete the graphic novel edition of The Challenge. More details soon!


  • I will be signing and selling my books all weekend at Balticon (Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel, Baltimore's Inner Harbor, MD), May 25-27. This is a new event for me, and I hope you have a chance to stop by my table and say hi!
  • Father's Day weekend, 16-17 June, I will be signing and selling my books at the Craft Bazaar at the Chatauqua Festival; 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday 16 June, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sunday 17 June; Elizabeth Brown Memorial Park, 250 S 4th St, Wytheville, VA.
  • On Tuesday, 26 June, I will be giving my Business of Writing presentation and signing my books, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Craft Memorial Library, 600 Commerce St, Bluefield, WV.
  • Saturday, 30 June, I will be at the BW Country Store "Meet the Author" book signing, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Big Walker Lookout, Wytheville, VA.
  • I will be on author-track panels and will have a vendor table in the Maryland Hallway at Shore Leave 40, July 6-8, Delta Hunt Valley by Marriott, Hunt Valley, MD. Special media guest on 7 July only: William Shatner! My program participation TBA.
Keep calm and stop to smell the flowers.


I'm running a giveaway for an e-copy of my doom-of-Camelot novella, Twins!
To enter, click HERE.

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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day from The Dawnflier of author @KimHeadlee #MFRWOrg #ASMSG

Valentine's Day Marriage Proposal,
(c)2011 by Subbotina, Depositphotos ID 10605111.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I selected this photo because my then-boyfriend proposed to me on Valentine's Day more than three decades ago. Since I wanted a June wedding, we set a date for the following year, and we have been together ever since. For better and for worse, it has been quite the ride. :)

Book news:

  • The audiobook edition of Liberty is coming along nicely at a rate of at least one chapter finished per week. I can scarcely wait to share it with you!
  • The passing of my dad 11 months ago threw me into an emotional tailspin, as you might imagine, complicated by the fact that I am his only heir and so all of the estate settlement duties fell on my shoulders, creating a cross-country probate process. Even so, I’m continuing to make progress on Angusel’s story in  Raging Sea, and I am scheduled to deliver the completed manuscript to my editor by the 1st of May. Part 1 (Raging Sea: Reckonings) and part 2 (Raging Sea: Enemies and Allies) are now on sale.
  • There have been so many changes to the publishing industry that I have totally overhauled my Business of Writing nonfiction book. To celebrate, I have scheduled a Goodreads Giveaway for this great resource. Scroll down a bit to enter!


  • I will be signing and selling my books all weekend at Farpoint (Delta Hotels Baltimore Hunt Valley, MD; aka. Hunt Valley Inn), February 9–11. This is a new venue and weekend for this convention, but the dealers still will be set up in a public area, so you do not have to register for the convention to visit my table. In addition, I will be participating in the Book Fair (10:00 p.m. Fri.) and the following panel discussions: Star Trek: Deep Space 9 at 25 (11:00 a.m. Sat.), Shifting Landscape of Publishing (2:00 p.m. Sat.), Gender Bending (7:00 p.m. Sat.).
  • I am slated as an author-guest at MystiCon (Roanoke, VA), February 23–25, where I will be presenting my Business of Writing lecture; other program participation TBA.
Keep calm and throw on another blanket!


I'm running a giveaway for an e-copy of my sword-and-sorcery novella, Kings!
To enter, click HERE.

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Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Business of Writing by Kim Iverson Headlee

The Business of Writing

by Kim Iverson Headlee

Giveaway ends February 28, 2018.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Good luck!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Flash sale #99cents Marketing Exec's Widow by @AuthorTinaGayle and two #giveaways!

Today I'm happy to support my author friend Tina Gayle and her novel Marketing Exec's Widow, now on sale for $0.99!

Marketing Exec's Widow
by Tina Gayle
Genre: Contemporary romance

Letting go and rebuilding a life comes at a price.

Having come to terms with losing her husband, Jennifer is ready to move on, but she faces opposition from her friends, in-laws, and brother-in-la. He see himself as her future husband. None of them know of Jen’s marital problems and she is afraid of their reaction when they learn she has a date for Friday night?

Hagan Chaney is not anything like Craig. He tempts Jen into the future but is she willing to give love another chance after the heartache she faced the 1st time around?


“Thank you.” Jen tilted her head and narrowed her gaze. His tall, lean form topped hers even with three-inch heels on, a welcome rarity from the men she usually met. In addition, he had strawberry-blond hair, a known weakness of hers. The reddish-gold locks danced along the collar of his black shirt, teasing her with the idea of running her hands through the thick mass. Her fingers twitched. She dropped her gaze. Tight jeans covered a round, squeezable butt. Hot awareness suddenly sizzled, stunning Jen with its power. She knotted her hands into fists and fought the unwelcome attraction.

No way, I’m his real estate agent, not his date for the evening. And it’s only been four months since...

“Elkhorn’s main street isn’t large, but the Little League baseball field and the restaurants should attract people to the area.” Hagan’s dark brown…no, hazel, his eyes were hazel she realized abruptly when his gaze met hers. He cocked a brow. A sexy smile teased the corner of his lips. Oh, darn, the man had nailed her ogling his backside.

Heat burned her cheeks. The air between them sizzled. Goose bumps popped out on her arms. Her internal timer ticked off each day she’d gone without sex—well over a year.

His smile grew wider and visions of his mouth melting onto hers slammed home the impossibility of the situation.

Give it up, girl. It’s not happening.

She swallowed and searched the room for a distraction, some way to gain control of her raging hormones and maintain the professional image she’d strived so hard to develop the last five years. “I agree. It is in a great location.”

Buy links: Kindle US | All Romance Ebooks | B&N | Kobo | Apple | Smashwords |

About the Author:

An author with over 30 books, Tina Gayle writes in a number of different genres: Romantic contemporary (as Tina Gayle) and Erotic Romance. Her books range from contemporary, paranormal to mystery and suspense. As an indie author, she has worked hard to have a social presence and reach her readers. You can visit her website and read the 1st chapter of any of her books. Or you can download a free ebook and join her newsletter group.

Sign up for Tina's newsletter.

I'm running a giveaway for an e-copy of my sword-and-sorcery novella, Kings!
To enter, click HERE.

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Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Business of Writing by Kim Iverson Headlee

The Business of Writing

by Kim Iverson Headlee

Giveaway ends February 28, 2018.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Good luck!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

MarsCon 2018 schedule for author @KimHeadlee Williamsburg, VA Jan. 12-14 2018 #MFRWOrg

The Business of Writing: An Introduction
Lecture presented by Kim Headlee.
I have my MarsCon 2018 schedule,
and it's a great one! 

  • Friday, 1/12/2018, 5 p.m. panel, Room 8: Ethics of Tomorrow in Young Adult Fiction
  • Friday, 7 p.m. lecture, Room 6: The Business of Writing: An Introduction
  • Friday, 8 p.m. lecture, Room 6: The Business of Writing: Diving Deeper
  • Saturday, 1/13/2018, 10 a.m. - noon, Room 5: one of the "editor" panelists of Allen Wold's writing workshop
  • Saturday, 2 p.m. panel, Room 8: Finance for Writers
  • Sunday, 1/14/2018, 10 a.m. panel, Room 7: Writing Major Minor Characters
  • Sunday, 1 p.m., Room 3: Follow-up session for Allen Wold's writing workshop

In addition, I will be selling and signing my books in the Artist/Author Alley, and I am excited to report that my Business of Writing book has been fully updated in both e-book and print editions for 2018.

MarsCon 2018 will be at the Doubletree Williamsburg Hotel, 50 Kingsmill Road, Williamsburg, VA. I hope to see you there!


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Kim Iverson Headlee
Sgeulachd ni sinn na’s mò.
Stories make us greater.