Official Blog for Author/Screenwriter Kim Iverson Headlee: info about her published novels, works in progress such as The Dragon's Dove Chronicles, and other output of the maze of twisty passages (all different) otherwise known as her brain.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Winners, appearances, and other book news by Kim Headlee in The Dawnflier Feb 2015 #MFRWOrg
I'm releasing my newsletter a day early this month because on Feb. 1st I introduce a new series on my blog: #SundaySnippets! Stay tuned. :)
First, please join me in congratulating the winners (already notified) of the #KASIWC/King Arthur's Sister in Washington's Court Rafflecopter: KR, Kim, Ron, Angela, Melissa, Mary, Victoria, Ed, Kami, and SB! Thank you all--and everyone who entered--for your support of my work!
You didn't see your name on this list? Scroll down for ways to win an e-copy of Liberty! The print edition is in proof review and will be available soon.
In February I am scheduled as a guest author at:
If you're attending either of these cons, please look me up and say hi!
In other book news, my experiment to keep two different versions of Morning's Journey in print (basically, different covers) has proven successful, so I am repeating the process with Dawnflight. This means I can offer books designed to appeal to different audiences, because I have received positive feedback (and sales!) for both cover styles.
To see what I mean, compare the newer cover for Morning's Journey, which matches the e-book cover, with the 2013 edition. When the new Dawnflight print links become available, I will announce it here.
Thanks for your continued interest in my novels, and I hope you have a love-filled February!
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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Thursday, January 29, 2015
#GRATIS #FREE #Kindle El Color de la Venganza 29-30 enero las leyendas del rey Arturo #IARTG
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Gratis en Kindle 29 a 30 enero Free on Kindle January 29-30 |
Today on The Maze, I offer the Spanish-language version of "The Color of Vengeance," a stand-alone short story excerpted from Morning's Journey, book 2 in The Dragon's Dove Chronicles.
La sinopsis/Synopsis:
La venganza era el único regalo de entierro que podía presentar.
Cuando los ladrones de ganado Angli matan a su mujer y a su hijo, Dwras hijo de Gwyn jura venganza sobre sus asesinos. Pero, ¿cómo puede un simple granjero prevalecer contra entrenados guerreros despiadados? Dwras no debe mirar a su espada para la respuesta, sino más bien, dentro de su corazón.
Vengeance was the only burial gift he could bestow.
When Angli cattle thieves slaughter his wife and son, Dwras son of Gwyn vows revenge upon their murderers. But how can a mere farmer prevail against ruthless, trained warriors? For the answer Dwras must look not to his sword, but within his heart.
US | ES | MX | AU | BR | CA | DE | FR | IN | IT | JP | NL | UK
Edición Inglés audiolibro/English edition audiobook: | iTunes |
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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
#Free #Kindle Download Jan 27-31 The Color of Vengeance by Kim Headlee #BYNR #IARTG
Get your FREE copy of The Color of Vengeance,
a terrific Arthurian story, today!
(January 27-31, 2015, to be precise. :D)
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The Color of Vengeance Free Kindle download Jan. 28-31 |
Series: The Dragon's Dove Chronicles (this is a standalone short story excerpted from book 2, Morning's Journey)
Vengeance was the only burial gift he could bestow.
When Angli cattle thieves slaughter his wife and son, Dwras son of Gwyn vows revenge upon their murderers. But how can a mere farmer prevail against ruthless, trained warriors? For the answer Dwras must look not to his sword, but within his heart.
All this month, you are invited to...
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— Leave a comment on any page of The Maze, especially if you have done the Amazon, Twitter, and/or YouTube follow
...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Monday, January 26, 2015
#RockingRomance with Rogue's Hostage by @LyndiLamont #MFRWAuthor #BYNR
We're back to #RockingRomance today with
Rogue's Hostage by Linda McLaughlin!
1. What romantic event would you like to see this year? I’m looking forward to the California Dreamin’ Conference coming up in March. I always enjoy getting together with my romance writer friends.
2. Name your favorite romantic tip. Listen to your partner; so many couples talk past each other
3. What Rocking Romance do you find intriguing (Arthur and Guinevere is mine)? I’m loving the romance between bad boy Killian Jones, aka Captain Hook, and good girl Emma Swan on Once Upon a Time. It has been fun to see the rascally pirate fall for the town sheriff. (Oh, I so agree, Linda! ~kh)
4. What is your Rocking Romance flower? Roses are always classic, but orchids are beautiful and special.
5. Plan one romantic evening; what would you do? Since I live in Orange County… a walk on the beach at sunset. We have beautiful sunsets over the Pacific.
Rogue's Hostage
By Linda McLaughlin
Historical Romance
4 ½ stars and a Top Pick from Romantic Times!
Romantic Times Nominee—Best Small Press Romance of 2003!
2nd Place - Lorie Awards - Best Historical Romance!
His hostage...
In 1758 the Pennsylvania frontier is wild, primitive and dangerous, where safety often lies at the end of a gun. Mara Dupré's life crumbles when a French and Indian war party attacks her cabin, kills her husband, and takes her captive. Marching through the wilderness strengthens her resolve to flee, but she doesn't count on her captor teaching her the meaning of courage and the tempting call of desire.
Her destiny...
French lieutenant Jacques Corbeau's desire for his captive threatens what little honor he has left. But when Mara desperately offers herself to him in exchange for her freedom, he finds the strength to refuse and reclaims his lost self-respect. As the shadows of his past catch up to him, Jacques realizes that Mara, despite the odds, is the one true key to reclaiming his soul and banishing his past misdeeds forever.
Note: Rogue’s Hostage is part of the Romance Super Bundle, a boxed set of ten full-length novels.
Buy links:
When he’d finished lacing her bodice, Corbeau took her chin in his strong brown hand and tipped her face up to meet his gaze. “Do not be too proud to ask for help when you need it.”
She glared up at him, her eyes narrowed with anger. “I don’t want you touching me. Not after yesterday.”
Gently he stroked her face. “I never meant to hurt you.”
She pulled away from him and held up her bandaged wrist. “What do you call this?”
A spark of anger flashed in his eyes. “I call it self-defense. Have you forgotten that you tried to kill me?”
“You forced me to do it,” she said defiantly. “You should have let me go.”
“Never. Not if I have to sleep with my back to a tree from now on.”
He advanced on her and she retreated, her alarm growing.
“Will you try to stab me in the back next time?”
“No,” she insisted, shaking her head wildly. “I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to be free.”
He stalked her until she was backed up against a tree with no room to maneuver. He moved closer, looming over her, heat emanating from his body. “I have no wish to hurt you either, madame,” he said in a husky voice.
“Then what do you want?” The moment the words were out, Mara wished she could snatch them back. She saw his intent in his eyes as his gaze focused on her lips.
She pushed against the hard muscles of his chest but to no avail. Easily he encircled her in his arms, one hand at her waist, the other tangling in the hair at her nape, pulling her head back. She couldn’t miss his musky smell as he pressed closer to her. Her knees were weakened by the quivering of her limbs, and she fisted her hands in the rough linen of his shirt.
“What do I want,” he whispered as he lowered his head, his breath hot against her face. “This. This is what I want.”
* * *
Jacques stared at her through half-closed eyes. The anger, frustration, and desire that fired his blood merged into an overwhelming need to kiss her. He claimed her mouth with his own, smothering her lips, knowing the kiss was rough and aggressive, but unable to stop. He wanted to silence her, subdue her, and make love to her all at once.
Her hands beat against his chest in time with the wild drumming of his heart. Then she went still, enduring his embrace, lips clamped tightly together.
Desire won out over anger. He eased the pressure of the kiss, letting his tongue trace the fullness of her lower lip, coaxing her mouth to open. His hand loosened, let go of her hair, and stroked the back of her neck.
Author bio:
Linda McLaughlin grew up with a love of books and history, so it's only natural she prefers writing historical romance. She loves transporting her readers into the past where her characters learn that, in the journey of life, love is the sweetest reward. Linda also writes steamy to erotic romance under the name Lyndi Lamont, and is one half of the writing team of Lyn O'Farrell.
You can find her online at
Twitter: @LyndiLamont
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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Spotlight on Hook by KR Thompson @TheKeeperSaga YA #fairytale #pirates #giveaway #BYNR
AUTHOR – K.R. Thompson
GENRE – Fantasy/Fairy Tale/Adventure
PUBLICATION DATE – January 1, 2015
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 300 Pages/78,000 words
GENRE – Fantasy/Fairy Tale/Adventure
PUBLICATION DATE – January 1, 2015
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 300 Pages/78,000 words
Archie Jameson dreamed of adventure.
Today, it found him.
Caught in a chilly October storm, he ducked into a tavern, hoping to escape the rain. What he found, was a room teeming with pirates. Shanghaied by the most elderly of the lot, Archie awakens to discover that he is serving on a ship captained by the fiercest pirate ever to sail the seven seas--the man known as Blackbeard.
Through a series of thrilling twists, Archie finds himself captain of another of Blackbeard's ships, the Jolig Roger. In an attempt to flee danger, his ship becomes lost beneath uncharted stars and arrives at a mysterious island.
Determined to save both his crew and the woman he loves, Archie will make decisions that will forever seal his fate.
For in Neverland, not all is as it seems.
The breeze picked up and was bursting insistent, frigid puffs that threatened to dislodge his hat. Archie clamped one hand on top, squishing it down around his lean face as he resolutely lengthened his stride and marched on, determined to make it home before the storm set in.
He'd almost made it to the corner, to the place where he normally made the left on N. Westburl, and then a right onto 43rd, followed by a various assortment of other long deviations that would get him safely home, when a large crack of thunder shook the air. He decided that just this once he might consider taking the most direct route, albeit dangerous, foreboding, and possibly life-threatening. He stopped right on the bend of the street, uncertain for a split moment, until the next jolting crack of thunder made up his mind for him. He headed straight along Market St that followed the length of the Thames River, hoping that the seedy individuals who lurked around the pier were as mindful of the storm as he and would not cause him trouble on this particular evening, for even though he was quick-witted and could talk himself out of most troubles, sailors tended to be a harder breed of people. They were a sharp and cunning lot, and Archie did not know if he could outsmart anyone else that day and didn't wish to press his luck.
He made it past the pier, hesitating just long enough to glance at the small boats tied to the dock. There were obviously people about, and so far he had been lucky enough not to encounter any of them.
But one final ground-shaking crack and the tinkling sound of bells changed it all. The clouds overhead clashed and he ran for the shelter of a nearby tavern, barely escaping the torrent of rain.
Archie had never been in The Captain's Keg before. He stopped just inside the door and let his eyes adjust to the dark, smoke-filled room. He realized that not only had he run into the very people he wished to avoid, but that he also had a new problem.
These men weren't just sailors.
He was ready to run back out and take his chances of drowning in the street, when he heard the same tinkling of bells from earlier. This time, it sounded like mocking laughter.
Well. He might very well be losing his mind, but a coward he was not.
He straightened to his full height—all six feet and four inches of it—and removed his crumpled hat with a flourish, tucking it under his arm. He walked proudly down the three steps that led into the heart of the tavern—to a bar, teeming with pirates.
A couple of heads turned at his arrival and those who met his solemn, blue gaze were quick to drop their eyes back to their drinks. His spirits momentarily lifted, Archibald nodded to himself more than to anyone else in particular, a slight smile playing on his lips. He was holding his own.
Still erring on the side of caution, he scanned the length of the bar, finding three open seats. Two were between rather burly, shifty-looking blokes with tattoos. The third seat, nearly on the end of the bar, sat betwixt an elderly gentleman with longish white sideburns, a round belly, and spectacles to match that sat precariously upon a rather bulbous nose. The gent on the other side was scrawny, his clothes in tatters, thin face in a scowl as he stared at a leaflet of paper before him. Even though he sat still, there was a nervous energy that pulsed off the small man. He gave Archibald the impression of a jittery, starving squirrel.
Archibald decided his best chances lay between the old man and the squirrel and so he took his seat, nodding in a genial fashion to the old man, whose watery blue eyes barely gave him a passing glance. The squirrel didn't acknowledge his presence.
"What'll it be, mate?" the barkeep asked.
Archibald bit his lip to keep from laughing. Every drink in the tavern was the same yellowish liquid. Why the bald man standing behind the bar bothered to even ask such a mundane question was beyond him. Perhaps he was daydreaming again. He did do that a lot and at times it seemed real. "'Tis all ale, is it not?"
"Aye, but will it be single or double ye'll be havin'?"
Archibald lifted a single finger and waited for his drink.
"Ye'd have much better luck with rum, I should think," the old man said quietly as he stared down into his own glass, "The ale's watered down. Not fit for a fish to drink, it isn't."
One dreg out of the glass, and Archibald was quite certain the gentleman was more than right. It tasted like something poured from an old boot. Not that he regularly drank from old boots, mind you. Thank heavens he hadn't ordered twice the amount of the vile stuff. Deciding it better not to even bother asking for the rum, which most definitely hidden beneath the counter and out of sight, he tossed a couple of coins down on the scarred wooden bar, and sat looking down into the remnants of his glass, listening to the patter of rain on the tin roof.
A strange thought came suddenly. For a bar filled with pirates, it was most unusual. It was rather quiet, an odd comment here or there, but otherwise there was nothing but silence. Surely they weren't all sitting around listening to the rain. Archie couldn't figure it out. But he knew one thing, these people certainly weren't living up to his expectations of the loud, fearless persons he always thought pirates to be.
The squirrel on his left shifted around on his stool, staring even harder at the parchment. Sweat popped out on a face that was now a color that reminded Archie of the paper in the print shop, a colorless, pasty white. Good for paper, not for squirrels.
"Well?" a low, deep voice rolled out from a dark corner and broke the silence so suddenly that it startled Archie. "Give us the news then, Harper."
Ah, well now. Things may get lively yet, Archie thought, casting a quick look to the corner from where the voice rumbled. It was too dark to see the man who sat against the wall, but Archibald got a good look at the pair of worn, dark leather boots propped up on the table, and the curling wisps of cigar smoke that floated up to the rafters.
"It says a r-roy, royy…" the squirrel named Harper stuttered, the paper shaking in his hands.
"Ach! The man canna read it anymore than the rest o' us." A complaint hurtled from one of the tattooed blokes at the opposite end of the bar.
As if he were getting more anxious, Harper tried again, his voice in a near squeak, "A royy-alll…"
Archie spied the lettering, and against his better conscience, whispered just loud enough that Harper would hear, "A royal pardon is offered to those pirates who surrender on or before the fifth of September, this year of 1718." He waited as Harper relayed the message, then continued, "Being limited to crimes committed before the fifth of January. All other crimes committed after such date, will be considered for a death of hanging."
Archie sensed the old man on the other side of him shuffle about, as if he were searching for something on the insides of his pockets, but Archie's attention was fixed on the squirrel he saved. Harper turned and gave him a toothless, yet thankful, smile and set to guzzling the contents of his glass as quickly as possible in an effort to calm his shaking nerves.
"Well, that counts us out, lads," a dark chuckle came from the corner, "'No pardon for the likes o' us, I fear. We all be hanged."
"Aye, but they must catch us first. I won't be finding me neck in a noose," a shout rang out, followed by the murmur of agreement from all the others as they lifted their glasses in salute.
Feeling rather in-tune with the pirates, Archibald picked up his glass as well and toasted the luck of the now boisterous lot, draining the last contents of his glass. Some small part of his brain noted that while the ale was certainly vile before, it also became bitter the longer it sat. The bitterness left nearly as soon as he noticed it, having been replaced with a rather calming sensation.
Pirates truly weren't a bad lot, he thought sleepily, just people like everyone else. They were only misunderstood. He turned to convince the elderly gentleman on his right of exactly that, when the darkness came and took over. The last thing he heard was the old man chuckle, singing softly,
"Yo-ho, me mateys, yo-ho…"
"Careful now, lads, mind the poor lout's head, aye? He'll be having a dreadful headache come morning without any extra bumps ye'd be givin' him along the way."
The voice was familiar—rather achingly so—though Archie couldn't quite seem to get his faculties in order to remember who the owner of the voice was. The few times he could open his eyes, nothing at all made sense. It all came and went in blurs with distorted figures he couldn't quite make out. The darkness came and went, so in the end, he figured it better to keep his eyes shut for the time being and try to concentrate on other things, foggy and confusing as they might seem. He thought he was being drug along the rough boards of the pier, and while that familiar voice seemed to care about the condition of his head, his legs and backside seemed to be another matter entirely of which the man cared not a whit as they bumped him along each splintering plank. Luckily, the drug slipped in his drink deadened the pain, and he only registered the faint, odd pricks and scrapes where the wood had its way with his flesh.
"He's got hair like black candles, he does," a crackling voice snickered by his head.
"Aye, Smee, are we taking this poor soul aboard for his long locks? Did the Cap'n order you fetch him a wifey, then?" another voice chimed in, followed by raucous laughter, and a low retort from the man named Smee that Archibald couldn't make out.
"A good bit heavier than he looks," the first voice by his head huffed, "Slow ye down a bit, Murph. I'm losin' my grip. Oh drat, there he goes!"
And those were the last words Archibald ever heard on the shores of bonnie England as his head hit the pier and the darkness crept over him once again.
K.R. Thompson lives in southwest Virginia with her husband, son, three cats, and an undeterminable amount of chickens.
An avid reader and firm believer in magic, she spends her nights either reading an adventure or writing one.
She still watches for evidence of Bigfoot in the mud of Wolf Creek.
$25 Amazon Giftcard

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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Friday, January 23, 2015
#RockingRomance spotlight on Naked Rebel by @anitaphilmar #BYNR #IARTG
Today's #RockingRomance installment features Naked Rebel by Anita Philmar!
(And I love this cover, don't you?? :)
Before we get down to business, Anita has some thoughts to share with you about Rocking Romances...
1. What romantic event would you like to see this year? A really good romantic comedy movie. Haven’t seen one in years so it would be a nice treat.
2. Name your favorite romantic tip: Text, call, write a note but be sure to tell the ones you love – I love you.
3. What Rocking Romance do you find intriguing? William and Kat (Reminds me of his mom)
4. What is your Rocking Romance flower? Roses are most people’s favorite but I like daisies.
5. Plan one romantic evening; what would you do? Have a nice dinner in an expensive restaurant, then head to a nice hotel and spend the evening thinking about each other and not all the responsibilities we have at home.
Naked Rebel, a sci-fi erotic romance by Anita Philmar
Buy it on Kindle
A spy that prefers to work alone, Nick Royster’s assignment is turned upside down when his superiors sends him a personal companion. Not appreciating the need to watch someone else’s back, he attends a dinner of Salsar’s inner group. Only to learn, he has to sacrifice Rane to get the information he needs to end the war.
Rane knows the important of winning. Her family slaughtered by Salsar, this is her homeland and she plans to do whatever it takes to win her peoples’ freedom.
With everything on the line, can these two have any future together or does love and war equal heartache?
“Nick?” she moaned in a weary voice and rolled to her side.
He wrapped his arms around her naked body and drew her to his chest. “Shhhh. You’ve had a busy day. Let’s rest a while?”
She nestled closer and melted into his side.
The seductive caress of her skin ignited an arousing response in his loins. He wondered about taking her again, but decided she needed to rest. They’d have plenty of time for sex in the next few hours. Salzar wouldn’t expect Nick to be back at work until at least tomorrow.
The name evoked so many emotions in Nick, he unconsciously tightened his grip on Rane. She wiggled against him in protest, and he loosened his hold.
If only he could break into Salzar’s inner circle. Once inside, Nick would be privy to the location of the purification plant for the nustru. As Vortar’s sole source of energy, their army would be crippled by the lack of fuel for their equipment, which would also give Nick’s side a huge advantage and possibly end the war.
Nick wondered about Mat’s reasoning behind sending him a companion. Salzar liked woman, and most of his inner circle had at least one woman at their disposal. But Nick didn’t see jeopardizing any woman with such a dangerous assignment.
Yes, women fell into the line of fire occasionally, like his mother and sister when Vortar invaded his country. purposely put them in harm's way seemed wrong.
With this assignment being at the headquarters of the enemy, the likelihood of exposure threatened both their lives. Salzar, a ruthless beast, slaughtered the ruler of Vortar and his family ten years ago to gain his position of power and would not hesitate to kill again.
But as a woman, Rane was in even greater danger. Salzar’s fetish for sex could lead him to do unspeakable things to her before he allowed her to die.
Buy links:
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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Monday, January 19, 2015
#RockingRomance with Circles of Fate by @psthib #BYNR
Today on The Maze, author Pamela Thibodeaux shares her thoughts for a Rocking Romance, along with her latest release, Circles of Fate!
An engagement (maybe even mine!)
2. Name your favorite romantic tip.
Never stop letting your spouse, partner or significant other know how much you care… notes on the coffee pot, cards, flowers, or gifts “just because”, seemingly insignificant things mean a whole lot.
3. What Rocking romance do you find intriguing (Arthur and Guinevere are mine)?
Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, or any other long term Hollywood romance.
4. What is your Rocking Romance flower?
A bouquet of wildflowers
5. Plan one romantic evening; what would you do?
I’ve experienced many romantic evenings, but one…. A weekend getaway in a luxury hotel with all the trimmings….couples massage, dinner and dancing in a semi-formal atmosphere, room service, Jacuzzi tub. I think that would be the ultimate romantic evening!
Circles of Fate Synopsis:
Set at the tail end of the Vietnam War era, Circles of Fate takes the reader from Fort Benning, Georgia to Thibodaux, Louisiana. A romantic saga, this gripping novel covers nearly twenty years in the lives of Shaunna Chatman and Todd Jameson. Constantly thrown together and torn apart by fate, the two are repeatedly forced to choose between love and duty, right and wrong, standing on faith or succumbing to the world’s viewpoint on life, love, marriage and fidelity. With intriguing twists and turns, fate brings together a cast of characters whose lives will forever be entwined. Through it all is the hand of God as He works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
“What?” Todd Jameson’s hand trembled so hard the phone he held threatened to slip through his numb fingers. He wiped a sweaty palm down his thigh and grabbed the receiver then switched ears. The anguish in Mike Ferel’s voice made the pleasantries they shared the first few minutes of the call seem like a distant conversation.
“I’m sorry, Todd, to be the one to tell you this, especially after what you’ve been through this last year.”
He’d spent nine months at war, nine months facing and dealing with death, but not even those things prepared him for the death of his hopes and dreams in nine short minutes. “When?”
A heavy exhale preceded Mike’s answer. “Margaret died six months ago. Shaunna married three months after.”
She said she loved me. He hadn’t meant to utter the thought aloud, but somehow the words slipped past the knot in his throat.
“She cried a long time after you left, didn’t understand why you never wrote or called.”
Though his voice held no accusation, Todd heard the chastisement in Mike’s tone. “I...”
He blinked hard and cleared his throat. “What was I supposed to do, blurt out my feelings over the phone or in a letter and ask her to wait? I thought she was too young to go through that, especially with the war and all. Not knowing if, when, I’d get sent over there was hard enough on me; she didn’t need that on her heart. What if I didn’t come back? I couldn’t fathom putting her through such an ordeal. Not with all the responsibilities she shouldered from her mother’s illness.”
“I’m sorry.”
Todd raked a hand over his face. “Is she happy? Is he a good man?”
“Seems to be.”
Purchase Links:
B&N Print:
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Thursday, January 15, 2015
#KASIWC by @KimHeadlee Blog Tour and #Giveaway! #beezeebooks #MFRWAuthor #ASMSG
Please join me and 20+ other bloggers celebrating the release of King Arthur's Sister in Washington's Court (#KASIWC) from now until January 23rd!
Posts are book spotlights unless otherwise noted. I will update the permalinks as they go live, so please visit often, and don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post!
Tour Schedule
Monday, January 12:
Monday, January 12:
- Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog
- Love Bites and Silk
- SBM Book Obsession
- Steamy book momma
- The blog of author Storm Chase
- MC Simon Writes Review 5* "I had a pleasant surprise finding that the main character had to travel forward in time." (Goodreads)
Thursday, January 15:
- Undercover Book Reviews Review: "Great read! I really enjoyed it!"
- Mousiey books Review: A must read for all; "25 stars out of 5!"
- sweet treat reading reviews
Tuesday, January 20:
- Tammy's Tea Time 5* Review: "Amazing"
- A Good Book Can Change Your View For Life
- The blog of Author Sandra Love
- Crop and Save Mom
Thursday, January 22:
Friday, January 23:
- Amanda's Blog!
- I Feel the Need, the Need to Read 3 Books Review: "An enjoyable and different read."
- Cover to Cover Book Blog
- My Life, Loves and Passion 4/5* Review: "Too awesome for words!"
- Sexyways of Reading
- Ann Marie DeGrego 4/5* Review: "Queen Morgan is quite the character!"
As always, for more chances to win this month, you are invited to...
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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
MC Simon's 5* Review of Snow in July by @KimHeadlee YA paranormal historical romance #MFRWAuthor
Here is what one of many reviewers is saying about Snow in July, my first foray into paranormal historical romance, reblogged from MC Simon Writes:
"A direct descendent of 20th century Russian nobility and married with a descendent of the 7th-century proto-Viking king of the Swedish colony in Russia… my mind was hooked by Kim Iverson Headlee, long before reading her first book.
When I had the chance to read Snow in July, the hook became a powerful harpoon. I felt this from the very first moment and while starting to read the book, I realized that it would unfold deeper and deeper. The author possesses the gift to keep you locked in with her book in your hands, while your eyes move inside its pages, left to right, up and down from the first page to the last one; all along Kim Iverson Headlee gives your heart an adrenaline boost.
The book starts describing the two main characters, Alain and Kendra who, for political reasons, were meant to marry each other. Before their first meeting, both of them had their fears and reasons to reject the marriage, but were incapable to refuse the King’s order.
Alain was thinking, “Marriage meant making more vows… vows to love and honor and protect. Vows too easily broken”.
Kendra promised to herself that she will find happiness “but it would never be in the arms of a man whose race was responsible for her brother’s death”.
I have to admit that the author succeeded to give me a bundle of feelings to cross, while reading Snow in July, from cover to cover.
I started admiring Alain’s reasons and my heart ached for any experience that he had, which made him think the way he did. At the same time, seeing Kendra’s reason, I almost hated her anticipating that all the conflict in this book will be based on her promise.
And… yes… it was in this way… many times I was against Kendra but that was not all. The author possess the ability to play with the reader’s mind, so I found myself so hooked by the book, almost fascinated by the way in which the events were advancing. The second I relaxed thinking I was reading a calm portion of the story, the next moment something unexpected would arise and my heart would start to race again.
I recommend this book to any reader who wants to feel something while reading. The bucket of feelings you find yourself trapped in, makes the reading act with curiosity. For not even one moment was I wearied. The plot, the characters, the twisted situations, everything succeeded to make me read without a break.
The fact that Kendra was “wishing yet again for the gift their mother was rumored to have possessed, the ability to heal with a simple touch”, made the action even more interesting for me. Being passionate of this aspect of life, called by some people “paranormal”, made me pay special attention to the moments when the author described and included this kind of action. Not giving all the details about such a healing procedure, the author managed to hook the reader even further. But… who needs details when one’s heart will anyhow understand what it is all about? This, only for the reason that Kim Iverson Headlee, really knows to dose any information; she knows how, when, what and how much to give, so it make things attractive but without giving it all away.
A scene that greatly involved my brain and heart in the action was the one in which Alain is saving Kendra after her abduction. I knew that he was supposed to succeed but… my heart raced a great deal while Kendra herself tried to escape, being afraid that she will mess up everything.
However, what I loved even more inside Snow in July, were in fact the secondary characters. I am that kind of reader who usually finds herself attached to the protagonists, but the author made me love many other characters here. I will mention only a few: Ruaud, Alain’s friend for so many reasons which can’t be counted here; Alain’s and Kendra’s brothers, who were gone in other worlds since the beginning of the action, but still so very present until the last act; Snake, Kendra’s predator who succeeded to melt my heart even if he was one of the bad guys in the book. I will stop the list here, adding only that because of these secondary characters, Snow in July is that kind of book which I want to read twice, being sure that not even than will I be able to grasp all the details behind the words.
My eyes were full of tears and joy, I was smiling and I was sad, my heart raced a lot while following the action step by step. The author really knows how to play with your adrenaline level. I even hated the author when she left me in deep frustration on Alain’s and Kendra’s first kiss. I liked what was described so much, that when it stopped I had the feeling that I was robbed by something that never happened and I didn’t even know what it could be.
To make things short, because I am sure the reader will enjoy reading the book more than my words here, I will conclude by saying that…
I totally recommend the book to anyone who wants to dig inside a medieval romance, placed in a moment in time when many twisted events happen, where the protagonists and secondary characters provide you contradictory feelings, using any phase between a good laugh and a deep cry, all being described with a mix of old and new English, French and Saxon words.
I recommend this book for all these reasons and maybe for others more.
The book left me with a huge desire to find all about the Glastonbury thorn’s secret. The moment after I turned over the last page, I was running to discover the secret behind the words “to heal the pain, you must endure the thorn”. Whether you can find or not what I was talking about… I will let the reader in you discover it, after Kim Iverson Headlee’s words will have touched your heart." —MC Simon, MC Simon Writes
MC was not a member of Kim's All-Stars Street Team when she wrote this review back in October—in fact, the group didn't start up until December—but she is now, and I'm very thankful for her support and the support of all the other members. If you love this book or other novels of mine, I invite you to join the All-Stars and receive exclusive peeks at my works in progress, mentions in my forthcoming books, and more!
Please check out this gorgeous, movie-like book trailer:
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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
"A direct descendent of 20th century Russian nobility and married with a descendent of the 7th-century proto-Viking king of the Swedish colony in Russia… my mind was hooked by Kim Iverson Headlee, long before reading her first book.
When I had the chance to read Snow in July, the hook became a powerful harpoon. I felt this from the very first moment and while starting to read the book, I realized that it would unfold deeper and deeper. The author possesses the gift to keep you locked in with her book in your hands, while your eyes move inside its pages, left to right, up and down from the first page to the last one; all along Kim Iverson Headlee gives your heart an adrenaline boost.
The book starts describing the two main characters, Alain and Kendra who, for political reasons, were meant to marry each other. Before their first meeting, both of them had their fears and reasons to reject the marriage, but were incapable to refuse the King’s order.
Alain was thinking, “Marriage meant making more vows… vows to love and honor and protect. Vows too easily broken”.
Kendra promised to herself that she will find happiness “but it would never be in the arms of a man whose race was responsible for her brother’s death”.
I have to admit that the author succeeded to give me a bundle of feelings to cross, while reading Snow in July, from cover to cover.
I started admiring Alain’s reasons and my heart ached for any experience that he had, which made him think the way he did. At the same time, seeing Kendra’s reason, I almost hated her anticipating that all the conflict in this book will be based on her promise.
And… yes… it was in this way… many times I was against Kendra but that was not all. The author possess the ability to play with the reader’s mind, so I found myself so hooked by the book, almost fascinated by the way in which the events were advancing. The second I relaxed thinking I was reading a calm portion of the story, the next moment something unexpected would arise and my heart would start to race again.
I recommend this book to any reader who wants to feel something while reading. The bucket of feelings you find yourself trapped in, makes the reading act with curiosity. For not even one moment was I wearied. The plot, the characters, the twisted situations, everything succeeded to make me read without a break.
The fact that Kendra was “wishing yet again for the gift their mother was rumored to have possessed, the ability to heal with a simple touch”, made the action even more interesting for me. Being passionate of this aspect of life, called by some people “paranormal”, made me pay special attention to the moments when the author described and included this kind of action. Not giving all the details about such a healing procedure, the author managed to hook the reader even further. But… who needs details when one’s heart will anyhow understand what it is all about? This, only for the reason that Kim Iverson Headlee, really knows to dose any information; she knows how, when, what and how much to give, so it make things attractive but without giving it all away.
A scene that greatly involved my brain and heart in the action was the one in which Alain is saving Kendra after her abduction. I knew that he was supposed to succeed but… my heart raced a great deal while Kendra herself tried to escape, being afraid that she will mess up everything.
However, what I loved even more inside Snow in July, were in fact the secondary characters. I am that kind of reader who usually finds herself attached to the protagonists, but the author made me love many other characters here. I will mention only a few: Ruaud, Alain’s friend for so many reasons which can’t be counted here; Alain’s and Kendra’s brothers, who were gone in other worlds since the beginning of the action, but still so very present until the last act; Snake, Kendra’s predator who succeeded to melt my heart even if he was one of the bad guys in the book. I will stop the list here, adding only that because of these secondary characters, Snow in July is that kind of book which I want to read twice, being sure that not even than will I be able to grasp all the details behind the words.
My eyes were full of tears and joy, I was smiling and I was sad, my heart raced a lot while following the action step by step. The author really knows how to play with your adrenaline level. I even hated the author when she left me in deep frustration on Alain’s and Kendra’s first kiss. I liked what was described so much, that when it stopped I had the feeling that I was robbed by something that never happened and I didn’t even know what it could be.
To make things short, because I am sure the reader will enjoy reading the book more than my words here, I will conclude by saying that…
I totally recommend the book to anyone who wants to dig inside a medieval romance, placed in a moment in time when many twisted events happen, where the protagonists and secondary characters provide you contradictory feelings, using any phase between a good laugh and a deep cry, all being described with a mix of old and new English, French and Saxon words.
I recommend this book for all these reasons and maybe for others more.
The book left me with a huge desire to find all about the Glastonbury thorn’s secret. The moment after I turned over the last page, I was running to discover the secret behind the words “to heal the pain, you must endure the thorn”. Whether you can find or not what I was talking about… I will let the reader in you discover it, after Kim Iverson Headlee’s words will have touched your heart." —MC Simon, MC Simon Writes
MC was not a member of Kim's All-Stars Street Team when she wrote this review back in October—in fact, the group didn't start up until December—but she is now, and I'm very thankful for her support and the support of all the other members. If you love this book or other novels of mine, I invite you to join the All-Stars and receive exclusive peeks at my works in progress, mentions in my forthcoming books, and more!
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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Monday, January 12, 2015
#RockingRomance spotlight on Pregnancy Plan by @AuthorTinaGayle
Today on The Maze I welcome back
author Tina Gayle to give us her ideas for a #RockingRomance!
1. What romantic event would you like to see this year? Love to be invited to a wedding. Has been a few years and enjoy the celebration of love.
2. Name your favorite romantic tip. Remember to say I love you, often with meaning.
3. What Rocking Romance do you find intriguing? Miss Piggy and Kermit – can’t help but love them.
4. What is your Rocking Romance flower? Indian Paintbrushes – you can only get them during the spring and you have to pick them.
5. Plan one romantic evening what would you do? Stay in and order in a pizza, watch a movie and snuggle on the couch. I like to keep things simple.
Pregnancy Plan Synopsis
Jillian Wilson wants a baby and is willing to do just about anything to have one. Until her almost ex-boyfriend shows up at her hotel room door. Then she has to convince him she's not fooling around with his brother.
Now, Derrick is only to happy to help with her problem.
Can Jillian love him and leave him even when he is hurt in a car crash and now believes they are married?
Derek entered the condo, exhausted from a day at the lake. He wanted a cold beer and a hot shower, in that order.
Good thing he’d strong-armed his brother into taking Kelly away for the weekend. He had the place to himself, and Jason and his fiancée could use the relief from the stress of planning their wedding.
Removing his sweaty shirt, he threw it over his shoulder, opened the refrigerator, and grabbed a Bud. With a quick twist of his wrist, he uncapped the bottle, and poured the cold liquid down his throat.
Now the shower.
He stepped around the bar separating the kitchen from the dining area. The light on the answering machine blinked. He hit the button.
“Uh, Jason, it’s Jillian.”
A picture of a shapely woman flashed through Derek’s mind.
“I don’t want you to worry. I’m not pregnant...”
“Holy sh*t!” Every big-brother, over-protective gene in his body kicked into gear.
The shattering sound of his beer bottle hitting the floor and his fist connecting with the wall doused the end of the message.
Could this be the reason Kelly was having second thoughts about marrying Jason?
Purchase e-book at
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B&N |

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... and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Liberty. Please enter often, and good luck!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Liberty by @KimHeadlee #Mustread #Review & Character Bio #MFRWOrg #beezeebooks
I am pleased to report that Liberty is garnering several great reviews! Here is one of them, originally shared on the Arthurian Romances and To Be Honest blogs maintained by Jill Roberts:
"Liberty is a captivating novel with so many variables that make it a true masterpiece. Our main character Rhyddes, which translates to mean Freedom daughter of Red (thus Liberty), is sold off to the Romans due to a tax debt. Here she must fight in the Gladiator arena. Fortunately Rhyddes fights well, it’s that ancient Celtic warrior blood that runs through her veins that makes her fierce. Although Rhyddes is plagued with captivation and yearning for the Roman governor’s son, Aquila. He too is irresistibly drawn to Rhyddes and vows to renounce his wealth and power for her. The charm of this novel kept me intrigued from the start. The savagery, ferocity coupled with the longing and purity of true love makes Liberty a captivating must read!" ~Jill Roberts, Arthurian Romances
I am Rhyddes ferch Rudd, which in your tongue means Freedom daughter of Red. The blood of ancient Celtic warriors flows in my veins, though I am a farmer's daughter by the circumstance of my birth. My life spans much of the reign of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, one of a very few men ever to claim that title who did not abuse his power for personal gain—but I care not who rules and who dies in this gods-cursed empire.
More than anything—even more than my freedom—I yearn to be my lover Aquila’s equal. As a foreign slave in an empire where citizenship stands paramount, where an arena fighter such as I can only be considered the equal of other gladiators, actors, undertakers, and whores, this goal seems impossibly remote. Although Aquila is the son of a powerful Roman, he has declared that he would renounce his aristocratic status, wealth, and power for me, but I cannot in good conscience allow him to destroy himself on my account.
And yet the gods have granted the impossible to other mortals. I pray that I am worthy to receive such a boon from them, for surely divine assistance is the only way for Aquila and I to bridge the vast social chasm that separates us from enjoying a future together.
Next blog tour is January 30 - February 28, 2015.
Please sign up here, thanks!
"Liberty is a captivating novel with so many variables that make it a true masterpiece. Our main character Rhyddes, which translates to mean Freedom daughter of Red (thus Liberty), is sold off to the Romans due to a tax debt. Here she must fight in the Gladiator arena. Fortunately Rhyddes fights well, it’s that ancient Celtic warrior blood that runs through her veins that makes her fierce. Although Rhyddes is plagued with captivation and yearning for the Roman governor’s son, Aquila. He too is irresistibly drawn to Rhyddes and vows to renounce his wealth and power for her. The charm of this novel kept me intrigued from the start. The savagery, ferocity coupled with the longing and purity of true love makes Liberty a captivating must read!" ~Jill Roberts, Arthurian Romances
I am Rhyddes ferch Rudd, which in your tongue means Freedom daughter of Red. The blood of ancient Celtic warriors flows in my veins, though I am a farmer's daughter by the circumstance of my birth. My life spans much of the reign of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, one of a very few men ever to claim that title who did not abuse his power for personal gain—but I care not who rules and who dies in this gods-cursed empire.
More than anything—even more than my freedom—I yearn to be my lover Aquila’s equal. As a foreign slave in an empire where citizenship stands paramount, where an arena fighter such as I can only be considered the equal of other gladiators, actors, undertakers, and whores, this goal seems impossibly remote. Although Aquila is the son of a powerful Roman, he has declared that he would renounce his aristocratic status, wealth, and power for me, but I cannot in good conscience allow him to destroy himself on my account.
And yet the gods have granted the impossible to other mortals. I pray that I am worthy to receive such a boon from them, for surely divine assistance is the only way for Aquila and I to bridge the vast social chasm that separates us from enjoying a future together.
Next blog tour is January 30 - February 28, 2015.
Please sign up here, thanks!
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