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Gratis en Kindle 29 a 30 enero Free on Kindle January 29-30 |
Today on The Maze, I offer the Spanish-language version of "The Color of Vengeance," a stand-alone short story excerpted from Morning's Journey, book 2 in The Dragon's Dove Chronicles.
La sinopsis/Synopsis:
La venganza era el único regalo de entierro que podía presentar.
Cuando los ladrones de ganado Angli matan a su mujer y a su hijo, Dwras hijo de Gwyn jura venganza sobre sus asesinos. Pero, ¿cómo puede un simple granjero prevalecer contra entrenados guerreros despiadados? Dwras no debe mirar a su espada para la respuesta, sino más bien, dentro de su corazón.
Vengeance was the only burial gift he could bestow.
When Angli cattle thieves slaughter his wife and son, Dwras son of Gwyn vows revenge upon their murderers. But how can a mere farmer prevail against ruthless, trained warriors? For the answer Dwras must look not to his sword, but within his heart.
US | ES | MX | AU | BR | CA | DE | FR | IN | IT | JP | NL | UK
Edición Inglés audiolibro/English edition audiobook:
Amazon.com | iTunes | Audible.com
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