Today on The Maze I welcome back
author Tina Gayle to give us her ideas for a #RockingRomance!
1. What romantic event would you like to see this year? Love to be invited to a wedding. Has been a few years and enjoy the celebration of love.
2. Name your favorite romantic tip. Remember to say I love you, often with meaning.
3. What Rocking Romance do you find intriguing? Miss Piggy and Kermit – can’t help but love them.
4. What is your Rocking Romance flower? Indian Paintbrushes – you can only get them during the spring and you have to pick them.
5. Plan one romantic evening what would you do? Stay in and order in a pizza, watch a movie and snuggle on the couch. I like to keep things simple.
Pregnancy Plan Synopsis
Jillian Wilson wants a baby and is willing to do just about anything to have one. Until her almost ex-boyfriend shows up at her hotel room door. Then she has to convince him she's not fooling around with his brother.
Now, Derrick is only to happy to help with her problem.
Can Jillian love him and leave him even when he is hurt in a car crash and now believes they are married?
Derek entered the condo, exhausted from a day at the lake. He wanted a cold beer and a hot shower, in that order.
Good thing he’d strong-armed his brother into taking Kelly away for the weekend. He had the place to himself, and Jason and his fiancĂ©e could use the relief from the stress of planning their wedding.
Removing his sweaty shirt, he threw it over his shoulder, opened the refrigerator, and grabbed a Bud. With a quick twist of his wrist, he uncapped the bottle, and poured the cold liquid down his throat.
Now the shower.
He stepped around the bar separating the kitchen from the dining area. The light on the answering machine blinked. He hit the button.
“Uh, Jason, it’s Jillian.”
A picture of a shapely woman flashed through Derek’s mind.
“I don’t want you to worry. I’m not pregnant...”
“Holy sh*t!” Every big-brother, over-protective gene in his body kicked into gear.
The shattering sound of his beer bottle hitting the floor and his fist connecting with the wall doused the end of the message.
Could this be the reason Kelly was having second thoughts about marrying Jason?
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Thanks Kim for sharing my book. You are the best