Today's #EggcerptExchange offering: Tempered Fire by Pamela Thibodeaux, book 4 in the Tempered series!
Amber Harris is a good girl on the brink of womanhood. Stanley Morrison is a young man at the start of his life. For each other, they have always felt the fireworks that two people in love should feel. But the questions about his past, his pride, and Amber's father might be the end of what could be a strong relationship. As the two try to protect their budding romance, some unlikely but powerful forces conspire to keep them apart. Will they survive the wishes of everyone around them with their relationship intact?
Emotion burst to life within her and swarmed through Amber until it overflowed, warm and wet down her cheeks.
Stan tasted her tears and groaned. Loosening his hold he broke the kiss, burying his face against her shoulder. “God,” he mumbled, lifting his head to meet her gaze. “I’m sorry.”
She looked at him wide-eyed and trembling. Anger, desire, and wonder warred in her eyes. She rolled them in an exaggerated gesture. “Now, he apologizes,” she muttered then leveled her gaze on him.
“Why haven’t you kissed me like that before?”
His breath heaved while he struggled for control. “Didn’t think it was proper, still don’t.”
“So that’s what you meant by all lips and teeth and tongue?” she asked, her voice quivering with awe.
He stepped back, touching her cheek with his uninjured hand. “Yes.” His voice was raw, eyes fierce. “But not with anger, never with anger. I’m sorry.”
Grabbing his hand, she pressed a kiss into it. “Show me,” she urged her eyes soft and warm. “Kiss me again, Stanley.”
“No, Amber.” But she was pressing against him, her arms sliding around his neck. Senses dulled by fatigue, resistance clouded by pain, control ravished and weakened by desire, Stanley succumbed with a groan. Hauling her gently but firmly against him, he buried his lips on hers, this time with devastating tenderness.
His mouth embraced hers tasting, teasing, savoring her lips as though he were a starving man biting into his first meal in weeks. His teeth nipped at her lip, tugging a moan from deep within her. Amber clung to him weakly as they slid to the floor.
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Official Blog for Author/Screenwriter Kim Iverson Headlee: info about her published novels, works in progress such as The Dragon's Dove Chronicles, and other output of the maze of twisty passages (all different) otherwise known as her brain.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
#EggcerptExchange spotlight on Marketing Exec's Widow by @AuthorTinaGayle #MFRWAuthor
Today I welcome to The Maze the mastermind behind the #EggcerptExchange, Tina Gayle, with the first in her Executive Wives' Club series, Marketing Exec's Widow!
Executive Wives' Club series
Four women...
One fatal car wreck...
Everyone's lives changed...
EWC1: Marketing Exec's Widow -- "The Unwilling Widow"
Jennifer Larson, having lost her husband, friends and the perfect life she’d had planned, now faces the biggest challenge of her life, moving into an unplanned future. While the rest of the Executive Wives' Club is still wallowing in the past, Jen is tempted into the future by a sexy chiropractor, Hagan Chaney.
But does he really love her or is he only after her money?
Jen gathered her strength and followed Hagan through the house. The easy flow of his long limbs showed incredible grace for a big man. So tempting, yet, she couldn’t pursue him. Not now, not with everyone watching her, they expected her to act like a grieving widow. If she didn’t, they’d forever brand her as an unloving wife.
She hated the farce, but she had no choice. No one knew her marriage had turned into a sham long before Craig died.
A few minutes later, she walked outside and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, with the showing done, she could return Hagan to his office. She locked the front door and stored the key in the lockbox. Spinning on her heels, she faced Hagan.
At the end of the porch, one foot already positioned on the first step with a hand out to assist her, he waited. “So, Jen, since we’re done for today, why don’t we meet tomorrow night for dinner?”
Jen edged backward and her butt hit the closed door. The urge to run away from his undeniable magnetism, and the problems he’d cause, sent her mind into a tail spin.
What in the hell should I do now?
Buy it on Kindle
About the Author:
Tina Gayle was born in Texas, the place of her heart and where most of her family still lives. The youngest of four daughters, she grew up a dreamer.
She worked for years in the business world doing a variety of accounting jobs. Then when her two sons were little, Tina decided to go back to school to get a degree in MIS. She only used this degree a few years before deciding to follow her passion for writing romance.
Married twenty-five years, she and her husband love to travel and can’t wait for Mike to retire so they can do it more.
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All this
month, you are invited to...
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...and each action this month is good for one chance to win an e-book copy of Dawnflight. Please enter often, and good luck!
Executive Wives' Club series
Four women...
One fatal car wreck...
Everyone's lives changed...
EWC1: Marketing Exec's Widow -- "The Unwilling Widow"
Jennifer Larson, having lost her husband, friends and the perfect life she’d had planned, now faces the biggest challenge of her life, moving into an unplanned future. While the rest of the Executive Wives' Club is still wallowing in the past, Jen is tempted into the future by a sexy chiropractor, Hagan Chaney.
But does he really love her or is he only after her money?
Jen gathered her strength and followed Hagan through the house. The easy flow of his long limbs showed incredible grace for a big man. So tempting, yet, she couldn’t pursue him. Not now, not with everyone watching her, they expected her to act like a grieving widow. If she didn’t, they’d forever brand her as an unloving wife.
She hated the farce, but she had no choice. No one knew her marriage had turned into a sham long before Craig died.
A few minutes later, she walked outside and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, with the showing done, she could return Hagan to his office. She locked the front door and stored the key in the lockbox. Spinning on her heels, she faced Hagan.
At the end of the porch, one foot already positioned on the first step with a hand out to assist her, he waited. “So, Jen, since we’re done for today, why don’t we meet tomorrow night for dinner?”
Jen edged backward and her butt hit the closed door. The urge to run away from his undeniable magnetism, and the problems he’d cause, sent her mind into a tail spin.
What in the hell should I do now?
Buy it on Kindle
About the Author:
Tina Gayle was born in Texas, the place of her heart and where most of her family still lives. The youngest of four daughters, she grew up a dreamer.
She worked for years in the business world doing a variety of accounting jobs. Then when her two sons were little, Tina decided to go back to school to get a degree in MIS. She only used this degree a few years before deciding to follow her passion for writing romance.
Married twenty-five years, she and her husband love to travel and can’t wait for Mike to retire so they can do it more.
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and an autographed print copy of Dawnflight!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015
15 Reasons Why @NNP_W_Light Loves being an Author #MFRWAuthor #amwriting
Today on The Maze, I am pleased to welcome author N N Light to spotlight her novel, Princess of the Light, and to share with you why she loves being a writer and blogger!
1- I love writing stories I made up and having people read them with delight. There is no greater feeling in the world.
2- I love changing history without having to write non-fiction. There are parts of my stories that are based on real-life experiences and I love re-creating history.
3- I love carrying on the tradition of storytelling for future generations. Throughout the course of history, there have been storytellers. I love carrying on the torch and will continue the tradition by passing it on to future generations.
4- I love inspiring others to be their very best through my writing. I started blogging as a way to tell the world about my book. But as time goes by, I love blogging. Whether it is inspirational thoughts or writing/marketing tips, there is something immediate about blogging that you don’t get when writing a book.
5- I love the feeling I get when I’m writing a new story. It’s like Christmas, only better.
6- I love being a writer because I get to work in my favorite pajamas and no one yells at me about the dress code.
7- I love sharing little bits of wisdom I have learned, especially if it helps another writer to succeed. When I was just starting out in the industry, I learned so much from other writers. I’m so grateful for their advice and insight. I, in turn, help aspiring writers.
8- I love the freedom of being a writer and allowing my thoughts to go out into the world. It’s risky because not everyone will agree with you but it’s freeing too.
9- I love being a writer because it is something I was meant to do and have been blessed with the gift of writing. I am following my destiny and I’m living the life I’ve always dreamt of!
10- Being a writer means I am my own boss, essentially, and I love it. I do have a manager and together we decide the best course of action. Ever since I was fifteen, I have worked for other people. I love being my own boss. All of my hard work (and trust me, it’s hard) is worth it when I find a new reader or get that royalty check.
11- Writing is mysterious and magical to other people and it comes naturally to me. When I tell people, they are awe-struck and want to know everything. The reality is I love to write and I love to weave words together to create a reaction. Ideally, I would like my readers to be inspired but any response is appreciated.
12- I love being a writer and making a difference in the life of another. Having someone say they were moved by what I wrote is all the praise I ever need. Honestly, it’s even better than getting paid.
13- Being a writer allows me to express myself in creative ways and I love it. I am a creative person and I express myself best through words and stories.
14- I love being a writer because I get to live out my fantasies. This is truly the best part of being a writer. I get to create worlds and characters in addition to experiencing things I’ve only ever imagined.
15- I love being a writer because it makes my perspective on life totally different than when I wasn’t a writer. My eyes are open to the possibilities of a story and I’m able to see things from different angles.
Title: Princess of the LightAuthor: N. N. Light
Genres: Urban Fantasy Romance, Christian Fantasy, Inspirational Fiction
Release Date: September 2, 2014
Synopsis: Gabriel, the Archangel and Messenger of God—yeah, that Gabriel—visits Mary Miller. He tells her, as the key, she is destined to spread the Light and vanquish the Darkness. Her first assignment is to restore the soul of the Walking Man. Sounds simple enough—until she’s thrown into the face of evil. And then, Joe Deacons enters her heart. This battle just got a lot more complicated. She must complete her mission without losing all she loves.
"Can I help you with something, sir?" The woman's voice quivered slightly and she leaned a little, as if she suddenly needed the wall for support.
Whoa, I couldn't help but think. I frankly felt like a moth to the flame. All I wanted to do was have a reason to get closer to her. The fact that her eyes seemed to shine with an actual light didn't help matters. I had never felt such an automatic attraction before, and I wanted to lean closer and see what was going on with her eyes.
She was either looking at me like I was the only man in the world—and quite possibly the sexiest one—or else my open gawking had freaked her out. Either way, I couldn't have told her which it was, because my mouth felt like a cotton ball container.
"Yes," I managed to rasp to her. "Where is your Architecture section?"
"Are you looking for anything in particular?" Yes. You, I wanted to say. "I could look to see if it is in stock." Oh. Are there more of you somewhere?
The sound of her voice was starting to make my heart pound.
She had an earthly beauty about her. There was nothing extraordinary in her features, yet something about her just seemed to glow.
I felt my breath quicken. Joe, what's the matter with you? Get a grip. You've seen girls before.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts without worrying what I looked like and said, "Please forgive my manners, but what is your name?"
"Mary." That just became my favorite name.
"I'm very pleased to meet you," I said as I extended my hand to her. "I'm Joseph. Please call me Joe."
She hesitated for a moment before she shook my hand. Electricity bolted up my arm that I wasn't prepared for. I wondered if she could hear my heart beating. Pretty sure these emotions weren't winning me any bro-code points.
Her face was flushed and her eyes brightened with interest. Let go of her hand, Joe, I tried to coach myself. If I didn't let go of it soon, I might never be able to.
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Author Bio:
N. N. Light was born in Minnesota, lived in Southern California only to move to chilly Ontario, Canada to marry her beloved husband MR N. She is blissfully happy and loves all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports and baking. She has been telling stories since the age of five and her mantra is to spread the Light. Most of the time you can find her on Twitter or getting new ideas on how to spread the Light on Pinterest. She is a proud member of ASMSG, Independent Author Network and Marketing for Romance Writers.
Part of the proceeds of Princess of the Light will go directly to food banks in order to feed the hungry and help those in need. With only 7,500 books sold, N. N. Light will be able to set up a monthly endowment for the local food bank.
I’d love to connect with you either via email or via these various social media sites:
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Thank you, N.N., for sharing your light here today!
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Thursday, March 19, 2015
#EggcerptExchange spotlight on Hotwired by @anitaphilmar #scifi #romance #BYNR #IARTG
The #EggcerptExchange for today on The Maze features the sexy sci-fi romance Hotwired by Anita Philmar!
When Ross Dixon is kidnapped from his office, along with the sexy lawyer who'd been busting his balls over a deal that should have been a walk in the park, he wakes to find a devotion chip surgically implanted in his brain. If that isn't bad enough, the chip, designed to trigger emotional reactions between him and the woman lying next to him, is working overtime on his libido.
Mistaken for Ross's flavor of the month, Kayla Michaels, a 22nd-century lawyer, doesn't have a problem spending time in Ross's bed--or over his desk--but she wants no part in the romantic feelings the chip is provoking. She's been down that road before and ended up burned.
Kayla and Ross struggle to find answers while coming to terms with the constant lust sizzling between them, but along the way each wonders if the emotions are real or just a side effect of being hotwired.
“Mr. Dixon, my parents have been down this road before with your company. This time, I plan to iron out any problems before they even see the contract.” Unwilling to play around, she used her best lawyer voice to drive home her point. “They’re still not certain they want to sell. So don’t waste my time with anything less than your best offer.”
“Kayla, this proposal isn’t like any of the others. Your parents will make enough money to retire and never have to work again.” Ross leaned back in his chair as if she couldn’t find a single issue with the contract.
She pulled out her minicomputer. “Mr. Dixon, money isn’t the only issue. Several other items need to be clarified.”
“Okay, Kayla, where do you want to start?”
His compliance to her demand didn’t ease her anxieties. As a shark in the business world, he didn’t enter into a contract unless he hoped to recoup his cost. So why did he want her parents’ property?
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Check out Anita's FREE read, Hot Prairie Nights!
Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.
Influenced by sci-fi programs, she likes to develop places where anything can happen and where erotic moments come to life in a great read.
Naughty or Nice?
Read her books and decide.
Follow Anita via:
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Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Character interview of Arthur from Dawnflight by @KimHeadlee #RLFBlog #Arthurverse #Giveaway
Interview questions were developed by Kayelle of the Romance Lives Forever blog (#RLFBlog), and I am grateful for her support of authors!
RLF: Tell us about yourself, please.
Arthur: I am Arturus Aurelius Vetarus, Dux Britanniarum—that is to say, my name is Arthur son of Uther, and I command the army that defends the northern Brytoni territory of the Isle of Brydein from Caledonian, Saxon, Scotti, and Angli threats. I am Roman by my father, and descended from the Aurelii emperors: Antoninus Pius, Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius. My mother is Ygraine, chieftainess of Clan Cwrnwyll of Brydein—though the circumstance of my birth prevents me from becoming chieftain after her.
RLF: Authors call what you want but cannot have "the conflict" -- what is yours?
Arthur: When I followed my late father to become Dux Britanniarum, what I had wanted was to be granted an exception for my illegitimacy by the elders of Clan Cwyrnwyll so that I could be designated my mother’s heir. But that desire became as nothing the day I met Gyanhumara, Chieftainess of Clan Argyll of Caledonia. I knew she was the woman who would share my vision for a united Brydein and help me bring it to pass. But she was betrothed—by a stipulation of my own treaty with her people—to Urien, my greatest political rival, a man who will stop at nothing, including war, to achieve what he wants.
I cannot bring such a calamity upon those I have sworn to protect.
Perhaps you might be wondering why I do not simply void the betrothal clause. I could—for any man of aristocratic status. As a bastard, I do not qualify under the treaty terms. The day I had drafted that accursed document, I had never thought that in half a year I would be meeting the woman I crave more than breath itself.
RLF: What can you not do (but need to do) during this story?
Arthur: Some of my advisers might argue that I should kill Urien and be done with the matter. The fact is that Urien’s father and mine were great friends and allies, and Chieftain Dumarec has graciously extended that support to me. Dumarec’s men form the backbone of the legion I command, and killing Urien would kill that alliance.
But if there is another way to make Urien pay for his disrespectful—and sometimes hurtful—treatment of Gyanhumara, I swear by all that is holy that I shall find it.
RLF: Tell us about your significant other, that person who makes living worthwhile.
Arthur: Gyanhumara is a chieftainess of the Caledonian people by birth, and a warrior and leader of warriors by training. Her clan, Argyll, led the southernmost Caledonian clans to attack the Brytoni settlement at Abar-Gleann, though Gyanhumara herself did not fight in that battle. If she had, I would have worded that damned betrothal clause far differently, I assure you.
I do not love her because she is gorgeous, or wealthy, or intelligent, or amusing, or amazing, or skilled with a sword, or because a union with her will help to strengthen the fragile peace between our peoples. Indeed Gyanhumara is all of those things, and more. But take away all those attributes, and she would still be the woman for whom my heart thrums its most joyous song.
RLF: What would that person say about you?
Arthur: Hah! Probably that I am secretive, private, and unreadable—because I must strive to keep my feelings for her buried. I would shout my love for her from the very gates of heaven itself, but not one moment before I determine how I can nullify her betrothal to Urien without inviting disaster.
RLF: What special skills do you rely on?
Arthur: Uther and his best general, my cousin Merlin, taught me strategic and tactical thinking, as well as the ability to recognize good counsel and abilities within others. I credit these skills as the reason I was able to defeat Gyanhumara’s people in my first battle as Dux Britanniarum. No doubt they attacked because I was untried as a leader of men, and although I despised the loss of life on both sides of that conflict, it pleased me to prove the Caledonians wrong. Yet it pleased me even more to turn former enemies into valuable allies.
My foster brother Cai would likely name as a “special skill” my ability to bring out the best in men with but a word, a nod, sometimes no more than a brief touch. I cannot explain why this is so, but I have observed the results myself and know that Cai is right. And I am grateful for this ability of mine, for I need all my soldiers to function at their very best in order to help me keep Brydein safe.
Thank you, Arthur, for choosing to open up to us today!
View this awesome narrated book trailer for Dawnflight:
View this awesome narrated book trailer for Dawnflight:
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Thursday, March 12, 2015
Character interview: Alice Collins from the Adventures of Xavier & Vic series by @Liza0Connor
Today, we have Alice Collins from the Adventures of Xavier & Vic series to talk about poison.
Kim: Welcome Alice. I’m curious as to why you are discussing the matter of poison instead of Vic.
Alice: Honestly, I don’t know the answer to that. All I know is that I received a most peculiar letter that I wished Vic to investigate. However, when I arrived at Thorn’s Private Inquiries, Vic was not there and Xavier was barely there.
Kim: What do you mean ‘barely there’?
Alice: He was behaving in a confused and angry manner. When I offered him coffee to help him wake, he slapped it away and accused me of trying to poison him…again.
Kim: Have you tried to poison him before?
Alice: Of course not! I do not go around poisoning people. I realize my social standing in society is persona non grata, but that doesn’t mean I’ve resorted to poisoning people, and even if I had, I assure you I would never harm Vic or Xavier. Vic discovered where my step-father had hidden my mother so Jacko could rescue her. Thus, she—I meant to say he—helped to return my mother and also sent me the love of my life. I had never expected to marry, and now I’m having my second child with the most wonderful, loving man in the world.
Kim: Sounds lovely. But why did Xavier think you had poisoned him?
Alice: Evidently, the butler of one the Ministers of Parliament poured a half cup of arsenic into his coffee. As you may be aware, poisoning people with arsenic has become a Victorian pastime. It has been said that more people die from arsenic than rats do. The Parliament has attempted to stop the improper use of poisons by requiring the pharmacist to know the person he is selling the poison to. But at most, that can only delay matters a short time as you purchase a few items in advance of asking for arsenic to kill the rats.
Kim: A poor solution indeed.
Alice: Next they passed a law that arsenic must be mixed with charcoal or indigo ink. Fortunately, for Xavier, the butler possessed arsenic with charcoal, which caused Xavier to spit the coffee back into the cup upon first taste. He said it was like licking the inside of a chimney.
Kim: That seems like a much better deterrent. I believe pure arsenic is considered to be almost tasteless and odorless.
Alice: That is correct, which makes soot an effective warning substance.
Kim: What about the other option of mixing indigo ink with the poison? What does that taste like?
Alice: Indigo ink comes from the leaves of Indigofera Tinctatoria. It’s a tropical legume and is used to improve soils between plantings. Depending on the base used to stabilize the coloring, its taste might not have been detected in a strong coffee. If lye was used, it would have been, but there are other options.
Kim: For someone who claims not to be poisoning people, you sure do know a great deal about poisons.
Alice: Well, I run an estate of some of the finest farmland in England. Rodent control is critical to a successful farm. Some farmers use arsenic as a pesticide since it attacks the internal organs of a bug just as easily as it does a human. However, arsenic remains in the soil a very long time, and some vegetables will mistake it for nutrients and absorb it. So while we do use it on rats and other small pests, we are very careful to keep it away from our plants, livestock, and most importantly, the children.
Kim: What are the symptoms of arsenic poisoning?
Alice: If you swallow the poison, first you will feel a burning in your throat, followed by difficulty in swallowing. Next you incur violent stomach pains, which will cause continuous vomiting as the body attempts to purge the poison. Diarrhea, fainting, cramps in the calves, and vertigo would follow, ending in a loss of consciousness and death. It is most fortunate Xavier spit out the first sip at once. In this case, the use of too much poison saved his life.
Kim: Most fortunate indeed. Thank you, Alice. Let’s check out a bit more about this story.
The great Victorian sleuth Xavier Thorn and his partner Vic Hamilton take a case close to home. Their youngest staff member, L’il Pete, discovers his mother murdered in the alley. Jacko is called up from the country to assist in solving the crime. The good woman’s murder proves to be tangled up with a much larger and shocking list of crimes perpetrated by a powerful man who may truly be above the law. Making matters more complex: Vic discovers her recent weight gain may be the result of a condition that could destroy her life and everything she loves.

One gentleman rose to object, but whatever the nurse whispered silenced him at once. Once seated, he leaned to the woman beside him and shared what he had been told. Upon taking in the information, she told the woman beside her.
By the time Davy hurried out to his carriage, the entire lobby of very fine people smiled and nodded as he rushed by.
Davy didn’t notice the people in the lobby, not when he carried Xavier into the doctor or when Connors told him to bring Inspector Stone at once.
All he knew was someone had poisoned his boss.
Davy ignored the people scrambling to get out of the way of his speeding carriage. Upon arriving at New Scotland Yard, he ignored the policeman yelling at him that he couldn’t leave his carriage in front of the building.
He ran past the officer at the front desk demanding he stop and state his business and up what seemed to be a thousand flights of steps to Inspector Stone’s corner office. Just before he reached the door, he was tackled from behind.
Fortunately, the noise of his fall and his shouts for Inspector Stone brought the head of Scotland Yard to him.
Upon seeing it was Davy, the Inspector demanded his men to release him.
Davy scrambled to his feet. “Xavier’s been poisoned. Dr. Connors says to come at once!”
L’il Pete’s mum is murdered,
and discovering who & why reveals a great deal of secrets.
Need to catch up?
Book 1
The Troublesome Apprentice
Need to catch up?
Book 1
The Troublesome Apprentice
The greatest sleuth in Victorian England hires a young man
who turns out to be a young woman.
Opps! The greatest sleuth in Victorian England goes missing, leaving Vic to rescue him, a suffragette, and about 100 servants. Not to mention an eviscerating cat. Yes, let’s not mention the cat.
A romantic detour for Jacko. Want to see how amply rewarded Jacko was when he & Vic save an old woman from Bedlam?
Book 3
The Mesmerist
The Mesmerist
The Mesmerist can control people from afar and make them murder for her. Worse yet, Xavier Thorn has fallen under her spell.
All Xavier books Free with Amazon Unlimited
Liza O’Connor was raised badly by feral cats, left the South/Midwest and wandered off to find nicer people on the east coast. There she worked for the meanest man on Wall Street, while her psychotic husband tried to kill her three times. (So much for finding nicer people.) Then one day she declared enough, got a better job, divorced her husband, and fell in love with her new life where people behaved normally. But all those bad behaviors have given her lots of fodder for her humorous romances. Please buy these books, because otherwise, she’ll become grumpy and write troubled novels instead. They will likely traumatize you.
You have been warned.
Mostly humorous books by Liza:
Ghost Lover— Two British brothers fall in love with the same young woman. Ancestral ghost is called in to fix the situation. And there’s a ghost cat that roams about the book as well. (Humorous Contemporary Romance)
Untamed & Unabashed—The youngest of the Bennet sisters, Lydia, tells her story. A faithful spinoff from Pride & Prejudice.
A Long Road to Love Series: (Humorous Contemporary odd Romance)
Worst Week Ever — Laugh out loud week of disasters of Epic proportions.
Oh Stupid Heart — The heart wants what it wants, even if it’s impossible.
Coming to Reason — There is a breaking point when even a saint comes to reason.
Climbing out of Hell — The reconstruction of a terrible man into a great one.
Investigate these sites:
Liza's Blog and Website Facebook Twitter
Investigate these sites:
Liza's Blog and Website Facebook Twitter
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015
#EggcerptExchange: Tova's Dragon by @LyndiLamont #sexy #fantasy #romance #IARTG #BYNR
On The Maze today: erotica author Lyndi Lamont and her fun, sexy tale of magic and a
man whose shape-shifted form has neither fur nor fangs in Tova's Dragon!
Tova's Dragon by Lyndi Lamont
Amber Quill Press
Genres: Shapeshifter Erotic Romance
Heat Level: 3
Length: Novella (20k words)
Tova, an earth mage, rejuvenates through sex magic. She's on a mission to save her homeland, but her magical energy is running low--closing in on empty. How is she to know the handsome half-naked man she encounters is not only a condemned man, but also a dragonshifter? Talk about hot and steamy sex. And nothing is simple after that...
Kane has always loved Velosian women and their sex magic. Tova's warmth stirs his passions and her courage touches his heart, but he dreads telling her of his true nature, certain she will recoil. But Tova is made of sterner stuff.
Together, Kane and Tova have the power to save Velosia. If they survive, can an earth mage find happiness with a dragonshifter? In a land where sex and magic are intertwined, anything may be possible.
Once upon a time, in the land of Velosia, lived a young earth mage. Tova, for that was her name, dwelt in harmony with the plants of the fields and the animals of the earth. She felt vibrations in the earth and heard whispers on the wind, basked in the sun and gloried in the rain.
There was but one element that disturbed her. Whene’er storm clouds gathered and thunder rumbled in the distance, she trembled in dread. And when light flashed in the sky, she hid, for the lightning seemed to follow her every movement. The air crackled around and through her, and in her heart, she feared one day it would strike her dead, as it had her father.
In this time also appeared the Outlaw Kane, last of the dragonlords of Velosia, a man-beast who changed shape at will. Back from exile, he bided his time in his aerie high in the mountains, until the day Tova came seeking his help.
And so begins the tale of the Lightning Maiden and the Outlawed Dragon.
Seek help of the Lord of Drakkenberg. Only he can aid you. You must fly with the dragon.
Her grandmother’s words rang in Tova’s head as she climbed the path into the mountains. Why had Mutti Zee sent her on a fool’s errand? Everyone knew the dragonfolk had abandoned Velosia years ago, driven away by Bruno of Grimmdorn’s crusade against them. Until he was accused of putting the king and queen under an enchantment and forced to flee. Now Bruno was back at the head of a mercenary army, if Mutti Zee’s vision was correct. And Tova knew it was. She’d felt the vibrations in the earth.
And somehow it was up to her to save the kingdom.
Stopping to rest her tired legs, she gazed at the path ahead. It grew steeper and narrower the higher it wound into the mountains. She was glad she’d worn men’s breeches and a tunic with her sturdy boots. A gown and petticoats would be but a hindrance.
She raised her gaze to the sky. “Why me? I’m no hero.” But there was no answer, just clouds forming to her left. She shook her head. Now she was talking to herself, like mad Magnus, the village idiot.
Turning back to the path, she started climbing again. The castle was visible now, high on a cliff, its turrets silhouetted against the sky. For centuries, the dragon lords had resided in the castle, ruling the isolated mountain communities. People in those areas were known as dragonfolk, though Tova knew not why. True, dragon motifs decorated the doorframes of their houses, and rumor had it they worshipped some kind of serpent god.
Over the years, many travelers through the mountains had claimed to see large winged creatures flying in the sky at sunrise, and others swore they’d seen men and women change shape and fly into the night. Old wives tales, no doubt. On the rare occasions she’d seen the dragonfolk, they’d looked much like everyone else. But they kept apart, and visitors to the area were discouraged. It was all a great puzzle, but one she had no time to ponder. Too much was at stake and her chances of reaching Castle Novita in time to warn the king were slim at best.
A shadow blocked the sun, and she looked up to see an enormous bird silhouetted against the sky. Goddess, she’d never seen such a large raptor. It turned and the sun’s rays glinted on its shiny red-gold wings and barbed tail. Halting, she stared after it, shaken to the core of her being.
No, it couldn’t be. There was no such thing as dragons.
Author bio:
Lyndi Lamont is the racy alter ego of author Linda McLaughlin, who writes historical and Regency Romance. Since becoming Lyndi Lamont, she has discovered that writing sexy romance is a license to be naughty, at least between the pages of a book.
Find Lyndi online at:
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Tova's Dragon by Lyndi Lamont
Amber Quill Press
Genres: Shapeshifter Erotic Romance
Heat Level: 3
Length: Novella (20k words)
Tova, an earth mage, rejuvenates through sex magic. She's on a mission to save her homeland, but her magical energy is running low--closing in on empty. How is she to know the handsome half-naked man she encounters is not only a condemned man, but also a dragonshifter? Talk about hot and steamy sex. And nothing is simple after that...
Kane has always loved Velosian women and their sex magic. Tova's warmth stirs his passions and her courage touches his heart, but he dreads telling her of his true nature, certain she will recoil. But Tova is made of sterner stuff.
Together, Kane and Tova have the power to save Velosia. If they survive, can an earth mage find happiness with a dragonshifter? In a land where sex and magic are intertwined, anything may be possible.
Once upon a time, in the land of Velosia, lived a young earth mage. Tova, for that was her name, dwelt in harmony with the plants of the fields and the animals of the earth. She felt vibrations in the earth and heard whispers on the wind, basked in the sun and gloried in the rain.
There was but one element that disturbed her. Whene’er storm clouds gathered and thunder rumbled in the distance, she trembled in dread. And when light flashed in the sky, she hid, for the lightning seemed to follow her every movement. The air crackled around and through her, and in her heart, she feared one day it would strike her dead, as it had her father.
In this time also appeared the Outlaw Kane, last of the dragonlords of Velosia, a man-beast who changed shape at will. Back from exile, he bided his time in his aerie high in the mountains, until the day Tova came seeking his help.
And so begins the tale of the Lightning Maiden and the Outlawed Dragon.
* * *
Seek help of the Lord of Drakkenberg. Only he can aid you. You must fly with the dragon.
Her grandmother’s words rang in Tova’s head as she climbed the path into the mountains. Why had Mutti Zee sent her on a fool’s errand? Everyone knew the dragonfolk had abandoned Velosia years ago, driven away by Bruno of Grimmdorn’s crusade against them. Until he was accused of putting the king and queen under an enchantment and forced to flee. Now Bruno was back at the head of a mercenary army, if Mutti Zee’s vision was correct. And Tova knew it was. She’d felt the vibrations in the earth.
And somehow it was up to her to save the kingdom.
Stopping to rest her tired legs, she gazed at the path ahead. It grew steeper and narrower the higher it wound into the mountains. She was glad she’d worn men’s breeches and a tunic with her sturdy boots. A gown and petticoats would be but a hindrance.
She raised her gaze to the sky. “Why me? I’m no hero.” But there was no answer, just clouds forming to her left. She shook her head. Now she was talking to herself, like mad Magnus, the village idiot.
Turning back to the path, she started climbing again. The castle was visible now, high on a cliff, its turrets silhouetted against the sky. For centuries, the dragon lords had resided in the castle, ruling the isolated mountain communities. People in those areas were known as dragonfolk, though Tova knew not why. True, dragon motifs decorated the doorframes of their houses, and rumor had it they worshipped some kind of serpent god.
Over the years, many travelers through the mountains had claimed to see large winged creatures flying in the sky at sunrise, and others swore they’d seen men and women change shape and fly into the night. Old wives tales, no doubt. On the rare occasions she’d seen the dragonfolk, they’d looked much like everyone else. But they kept apart, and visitors to the area were discouraged. It was all a great puzzle, but one she had no time to ponder. Too much was at stake and her chances of reaching Castle Novita in time to warn the king were slim at best.
A shadow blocked the sun, and she looked up to see an enormous bird silhouetted against the sky. Goddess, she’d never seen such a large raptor. It turned and the sun’s rays glinted on its shiny red-gold wings and barbed tail. Halting, she stared after it, shaken to the core of her being.
No, it couldn’t be. There was no such thing as dragons.
Buy Tova's Dragon:
Author bio:
Lyndi Lamont is the racy alter ego of author Linda McLaughlin, who writes historical and Regency Romance. Since becoming Lyndi Lamont, she has discovered that writing sexy romance is a license to be naughty, at least between the pages of a book.
Find Lyndi online at:
Website/blog | Facebook | Goodreads | Google+ | Twitter |
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Thursday, March 5, 2015
#EggcerptExchange spotlight on The Saxon Bride by Ashley York @AshleyYork1066 #Giveaway
Welcome to another #EggcerptExchange! Today I am pleased to feature medieval romp The Saxon Bride by Ashley York.
Synopsis: In war torn England the battle lines between Saxon and Norman are clearly drawn.
Rowena Godwinson, the sole remaining member of the defeated royal family, stands proudly against the Normans that would trample them underfoot. Her nobility and grace, however, make her an ideal pawn in King William’s play for power with the Saxon people. When he decrees she marry a powerful Norman knight, her subjugation appears to be complete. Can she hold firm to her Saxon heritage and refuse to give in to his advances?
John of Normandy is rewarded for his service and loyalty with land, titles and a Saxon beauty for a bride. John balks at the marriage, driven by the secret guilt of knowing Rowena's father died by his sword
As their people look to them for guidance and peace, can John and Rowena find a love that unites all of England?
"As my wife, Rowena..."
Her eyes narrowed at use of the title.
" will not allow men into your bedchamber. Other than me, that is."
A little shiver passed through her at the idea of him coming to her in the middle of the night. She could again feel his fingers caressing her. Perhaps he had indeed returned to be her husband in truth. The possibility excited her.
Arthur had followed her and even taken her in his arms to comfort her. In the past she had welcomed the feel of his arms around her, seldom as that happened, but she was already different. His arms no longer felt right around her. She had tried to tell him he could not be in her chamber, it wasn't seemly. He had looked so hurt.
"Do you not understand me, wife?" John said.
The title bristled her. "Yes, husband, I understand you fine."
The use of titles did not make it any more true. Men always thought it did. They were wrong. Turning to him, she felt her cheeks grow hot as he caressed her ever so slowly with his eyes, finally resting on her face before her spoke again.
"Husband I will be soon enough."
His answer told her he didn't miss her meaning. He stood suddenly, and the fire silhouetting his large frame caused her breath to catch at his imposing size. From his powerful legs, slightly parted and ready for attack, to his solid torso, ready to receive the assault, to his burly arms more than willing to instigate the encounter. This was certainly no complacent lord of the manor; this was a well-honed fighting machine. Rowena was confused when she realized her own longing to touch him. His brown hair looked soft and the shadow of a beard around his chin caused her hand to itch for the touch of both.
"Know this, Rowena...:
Her breath quickened when he stepped toward her, his eyes piercing her own.
"...there will be no one but me."
He stopped just short of touching her but that now familiar heat reached out to her.
"You are mine and only mine."
Buy Links:
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About the Author: Always an avid romance reader herself, Ashley York enjoys bringing history to life through vibrant and meaningful characters, writing historical romance novels full of passion and intrigue set in the 11th and 12th century British Isles. Her latest release, The Saxon Bride, is the first in The Norman Conquest series.
When she is not writing, talking about writing, or thinking about writing, Ashley relaxes with visits to the local pubs listening to live Celtic tunes. She lives in southern New England with her husband and 3 very spoiled animals.
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Synopsis: In war torn England the battle lines between Saxon and Norman are clearly drawn.
Rowena Godwinson, the sole remaining member of the defeated royal family, stands proudly against the Normans that would trample them underfoot. Her nobility and grace, however, make her an ideal pawn in King William’s play for power with the Saxon people. When he decrees she marry a powerful Norman knight, her subjugation appears to be complete. Can she hold firm to her Saxon heritage and refuse to give in to his advances?
John of Normandy is rewarded for his service and loyalty with land, titles and a Saxon beauty for a bride. John balks at the marriage, driven by the secret guilt of knowing Rowena's father died by his sword
As their people look to them for guidance and peace, can John and Rowena find a love that unites all of England?
"As my wife, Rowena..."
Her eyes narrowed at use of the title.
" will not allow men into your bedchamber. Other than me, that is."
A little shiver passed through her at the idea of him coming to her in the middle of the night. She could again feel his fingers caressing her. Perhaps he had indeed returned to be her husband in truth. The possibility excited her.
Arthur had followed her and even taken her in his arms to comfort her. In the past she had welcomed the feel of his arms around her, seldom as that happened, but she was already different. His arms no longer felt right around her. She had tried to tell him he could not be in her chamber, it wasn't seemly. He had looked so hurt.
"Do you not understand me, wife?" John said.
The title bristled her. "Yes, husband, I understand you fine."
The use of titles did not make it any more true. Men always thought it did. They were wrong. Turning to him, she felt her cheeks grow hot as he caressed her ever so slowly with his eyes, finally resting on her face before her spoke again.
"Husband I will be soon enough."
His answer told her he didn't miss her meaning. He stood suddenly, and the fire silhouetting his large frame caused her breath to catch at his imposing size. From his powerful legs, slightly parted and ready for attack, to his solid torso, ready to receive the assault, to his burly arms more than willing to instigate the encounter. This was certainly no complacent lord of the manor; this was a well-honed fighting machine. Rowena was confused when she realized her own longing to touch him. His brown hair looked soft and the shadow of a beard around his chin caused her hand to itch for the touch of both.
"Know this, Rowena...:
Her breath quickened when he stepped toward her, his eyes piercing her own.
"...there will be no one but me."
He stopped just short of touching her but that now familiar heat reached out to her.
"You are mine and only mine."
Buy Links:
Facebook Amazon BarnesandNoble Apple KOBO
About the Author: Always an avid romance reader herself, Ashley York enjoys bringing history to life through vibrant and meaningful characters, writing historical romance novels full of passion and intrigue set in the 11th and 12th century British Isles. Her latest release, The Saxon Bride, is the first in The Norman Conquest series.
When she is not writing, talking about writing, or thinking about writing, Ashley relaxes with visits to the local pubs listening to live Celtic tunes. She lives in southern New England with her husband and 3 very spoiled animals.
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