Today on The Maze, I am pleased to welcome author N N Light to spotlight her novel, Princess of the Light, and to share with you why she loves being a writer and blogger!
1- I love writing stories I made up and having people read them with delight. There is no greater feeling in the world.
2- I love changing history without having to write non-fiction. There are parts of my stories that are based on real-life experiences and I love re-creating history.
3- I love carrying on the tradition of storytelling for future generations. Throughout the course of history, there have been storytellers. I love carrying on the torch and will continue the tradition by passing it on to future generations.
4- I love inspiring others to be their very best through my writing. I started blogging as a way to tell the world about my book. But as time goes by, I love blogging. Whether it is inspirational thoughts or writing/marketing tips, there is something immediate about blogging that you don’t get when writing a book.
5- I love the feeling I get when I’m writing a new story. It’s like Christmas, only better.
6- I love being a writer because I get to work in my favorite pajamas and no one yells at me about the dress code.
7- I love sharing little bits of wisdom I have learned, especially if it helps another writer to succeed. When I was just starting out in the industry, I learned so much from other writers. I’m so grateful for their advice and insight. I, in turn, help aspiring writers.
8- I love the freedom of being a writer and allowing my thoughts to go out into the world. It’s risky because not everyone will agree with you but it’s freeing too.
9- I love being a writer because it is something I was meant to do and have been blessed with the gift of writing. I am following my destiny and I’m living the life I’ve always dreamt of!
10- Being a writer means I am my own boss, essentially, and I love it. I do have a manager and together we decide the best course of action. Ever since I was fifteen, I have worked for other people. I love being my own boss. All of my hard work (and trust me, it’s hard) is worth it when I find a new reader or get that royalty check.
11- Writing is mysterious and magical to other people and it comes naturally to me. When I tell people, they are awe-struck and want to know everything. The reality is I love to write and I love to weave words together to create a reaction. Ideally, I would like my readers to be inspired but any response is appreciated.
12- I love being a writer and making a difference in the life of another. Having someone say they were moved by what I wrote is all the praise I ever need. Honestly, it’s even better than getting paid.
13- Being a writer allows me to express myself in creative ways and I love it. I am a creative person and I express myself best through words and stories.
14- I love being a writer because I get to live out my fantasies. This is truly the best part of being a writer. I get to create worlds and characters in addition to experiencing things I’ve only ever imagined.
15- I love being a writer because it makes my perspective on life totally different than when I wasn’t a writer. My eyes are open to the possibilities of a story and I’m able to see things from different angles.
Title: Princess of the LightAuthor: N. N. Light
Genres: Urban Fantasy Romance, Christian Fantasy, Inspirational Fiction
Release Date: September 2, 2014
Synopsis: Gabriel, the Archangel and Messenger of God—yeah, that Gabriel—visits Mary Miller. He tells her, as the key, she is destined to spread the Light and vanquish the Darkness. Her first assignment is to restore the soul of the Walking Man. Sounds simple enough—until she’s thrown into the face of evil. And then, Joe Deacons enters her heart. This battle just got a lot more complicated. She must complete her mission without losing all she loves.
"Can I help you with something, sir?" The woman's voice quivered slightly and she leaned a little, as if she suddenly needed the wall for support.
Whoa, I couldn't help but think. I frankly felt like a moth to the flame. All I wanted to do was have a reason to get closer to her. The fact that her eyes seemed to shine with an actual light didn't help matters. I had never felt such an automatic attraction before, and I wanted to lean closer and see what was going on with her eyes.
She was either looking at me like I was the only man in the world—and quite possibly the sexiest one—or else my open gawking had freaked her out. Either way, I couldn't have told her which it was, because my mouth felt like a cotton ball container.
"Yes," I managed to rasp to her. "Where is your Architecture section?"
"Are you looking for anything in particular?" Yes. You, I wanted to say. "I could look to see if it is in stock." Oh. Are there more of you somewhere?
The sound of her voice was starting to make my heart pound.
She had an earthly beauty about her. There was nothing extraordinary in her features, yet something about her just seemed to glow.
I felt my breath quicken. Joe, what's the matter with you? Get a grip. You've seen girls before.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts without worrying what I looked like and said, "Please forgive my manners, but what is your name?"
"Mary." That just became my favorite name.
"I'm very pleased to meet you," I said as I extended my hand to her. "I'm Joseph. Please call me Joe."
She hesitated for a moment before she shook my hand. Electricity bolted up my arm that I wasn't prepared for. I wondered if she could hear my heart beating. Pretty sure these emotions weren't winning me any bro-code points.
Her face was flushed and her eyes brightened with interest. Let go of her hand, Joe, I tried to coach myself. If I didn't let go of it soon, I might never be able to.
Buy Links:
Smashwords | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Indigo | iTunes/ iBooks | | Amazon Canada | Amazon UK |
Paperback | Goodreads |
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Author Bio:
N. N. Light was born in Minnesota, lived in Southern California only to move to chilly Ontario, Canada to marry her beloved husband MR N. She is blissfully happy and loves all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports and baking. She has been telling stories since the age of five and her mantra is to spread the Light. Most of the time you can find her on Twitter or getting new ideas on how to spread the Light on Pinterest. She is a proud member of ASMSG, Independent Author Network and Marketing for Romance Writers.
Part of the proceeds of Princess of the Light will go directly to food banks in order to feed the hungry and help those in need. With only 7,500 books sold, N. N. Light will be able to set up a monthly endowment for the local food bank.
I’d love to connect with you either via email or via these various social media sites:
Website | Blog | Goodreads | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Google+ | Triberr | iAuthor | Amazon Author Page |
Independent Author Network |
Thank you, N.N., for sharing your light here today!
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I love a passionate author, and NN Light's 15 answers show she's all that and more! Thanks for hosting her :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome; it's my pleasure! :)
DeleteThank you so much Kim for hosting me and thank you Nicholas for your lovely comments. :)