For the 2016 Eggcerpt Exchange on The Maze, Tina shares some new thoughts about her life and career:
Author Tina Gayle grew up not knowing what she wanted to be as an adult. Then someone asked her about her dream job. Her answer, "I wanted to be a pretender."
So the job of writing books is the perfect job for her. She has a vivid imagination and enjoys creating new characters and heartbreaking situations that her readers can sympathize with as they root for the couple's love to blossom.
Before setting down with her computer, she worked in the corporate world as both an accountant and a programmer. Once her kids were born, she decided to give her dream of being a writer a try and loves to incorporate the heartaches, headaches and fun of being a mother and a woman into her books.
When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and traveling around the country. She hasn't hit every state, but she hopes to someday. You might also catch her on the golf course with her husband of 30 years.
If you'd like to connect, send an email to She loves to hear from her readers. What elements you liked and what you didn't care for in the story.
Also, you can read the first chapter of any of her books by visiting her website, or download an exclusive story "My Future Step Brother" and join her special friend's list. All on her website
Find Tina Gayle at:
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Title: IT Exec's Baby
Series: The Executive Wives' Club, book 2
Synopsis: Brie Sullivan has a new baby girl and there are a million things to do, but Brie doesn’t have the energy to keep up. Why? She’s still grieving for her husband and suffering from baby blues, but she won’t let that stop her. She’s come up with the answer--find a new husband to be the father of her kids.
Jason Clark has been doing everything he can to help Brie. He loves her but can he accept her proposal of marriage knowing she’s not thinking clearly about the future?
Comments from Reviews:
~ “IT Exec’s Baby is almost a love story in reverse. The marriage comes first, then the sex, and finally the love - at least from Brie's point of view. It is tender and poignant at times, and full of strong descriptive passages.”
~ “What I love about series books. Every book gives you more about the characters that you've fallen in love with during the first book.”
~ “IT Exec’s Baby is a riveting story of a woman with numerous problems.”
Jason settled into the rocker. A slight whimper escaped from the baby, he quickly fed the bottle back into her daughter's mouth.
“Yes, but at least I don’t have to pick them up. I'm in a carpool with another mother down the street.” Brie fluffed her pillow and crawled into bed. The soft cushion of the mattress cupping her body, she melted against the sheets. Peace teased her mind at the luxury of not having to jump up again in two seconds.
“So you've been able to get some rest during the day?”
“No, that's when I try to get everything else done.” Brie reviewed the chores she hadn't accomplished today. Laundry—half done. Dishwasher—still not unloaded. Formula—damn she only had two bottles left.
“Why? What can't wait?” Jason’s question made it sound like she didn't have two other children to take care of.
“Well, there are meals to fix, which reminds me, I have to make a run to the grocery store tomorrow.” She quickly glanced at the night stand to see if there was any paper available. She better make a list.
“Don’t worry about it now. Just try to get some sleep.” The soothing tone of his voice lulling her senses, she closed her eyes.
Visions of Eric floated through her thoughts...him getting up at night, bringing the baby back to her, his help in the evening with the chores, his steady presence when she was too exhausted to go on. “I need a second set of hands.”
An idea popped into her head. The perfect solution. She just needed to get married.
Forcing her eyes open, she rolled to her side and stared at the man holding her daughter. He wasn’t married and didn't mind her kids. If they could join forces, all would be good.
Excited by the possibility, she sat, the covers falling to her waist. “That's it. I need a husband.” Lifting her voice, she stared into a pair of sexy brown eyes. “Jason, will you marry me?”
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