Come join me at the Artisan Showcase & Sale sponsored by Experience Downtown Wytheville, VA!
I have been confirmed for booth #24 in the Roop Building, 150 W Main Street, across the street from the other sites. Just look for the big pencil marking Wytheville Office Supply—you can't miss it! I'll have my novels Dawnflight, Morning's Journey, and Liberty, and the nonfiction book for writers to which I contributed a chapter, The Fantasy Writer's Companion. Everything will be sale priced, and I'll have other goodies as well. This event is free to the public, and I hope to see you there!
Official Blog for Author/Screenwriter Kim Iverson Headlee: info about her published novels, works in progress such as The Dragon's Dove Chronicles, and other output of the maze of twisty passages (all different) otherwise known as her brain.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
#EggcerptExchange: Love is a Rose by @psthib
Good thoughts for Good Friday:
Pamela writes, “Since Lent and Easter are very special to me, I’d like to focus on my devotional Love is A Rose for this Eggcerpt Exchange, so here are the details...”
And comment on this post for a chance to win an e-copy of Dawnflight by Kim Headlee... enter often throughout the Eggcerpt Exchange!
Pamela writes, “Since Lent and Easter are very special to me, I’d like to focus on my devotional Love is A Rose for this Eggcerpt Exchange, so here are the details...”
Music is the magical entry
into the spirit world; the golden gate into the Kingdom of God. But we mustn’t
be of the mindset that God only uses Christian music to reach out and touch our
mind, heart and spirit. God uses any and every means
available to speak to His children.
Our job is to be open and
In this devotional, Pamela S
Thibodeaux shares how God opened her spirit to a deeper understanding of the
abundance of His grace and mercy through the words of the song, The Rose sung by Country & Western
artist Conway Twitty.
Pamela offers Seeds to Ponder and a prayer as she
parallels the love of God and the Christian life to each verse of the song.
EGG-CERPT: Introduction
Bible talks of harps playing and choirs of angelic hosts singing. It also tells
us to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” The Israelites were ordered to send
the praise and worship team—playing musical instruments, dancing and
singing—ahead of the soldiers into battle. So there must be something
special and powerful about music.
is an intricate element of worship, an aspect of praise that brings you into
intimate proximity with the Lord. Music lifts you physically (fatigue
disappears, pain is forgotten), mentally (your mind is filled with it, erasing
everything else), emotionally (you are saturated with joy and peace) and
spiritually (your spirit soars on the wings of His); opening your heart and
mind to receive more of God’s presence, more of His truth.
is the magical entry into the spirit world; the golden gate into the Kingdom of
God. But we mustn’t be of the mindset that God only uses Christian music to
reach out and touch our mind, heart and spirit. God uses any and every
means available to speak to His children.
job is to be open and receptive.
every Christian song I hear touches my heart in some way, urging me into
a closer walk with God and bringing me a truer knowledge of Jesus. Amazingly
though, the one song that really opened my spirit to a deeper understanding of
the abundance of His grace and mercy wasn’t a Christian song but a Country one.
never forget the morning in 1995 when The Rose as performed by Conway
Twitty came to me in its entirety with Bible references or Scriptures
correlating to every verse…
Some say love, it is a
river that drowns the tender reed…“A bruised reed He will not break.”
Some say love, it is a
razor that leaves your soul to bleed….Bible Conversion; a cutting or stripping
away of old beliefs.
Some say love, it is a
hunger, an endless, aching need…"As the hind longs for running
water, so my soul longs for thee oh God...”
I say love, it is a
flower, and you its only seed…“If you have faith the size of a mustard
It’s the heart, afraid
of breaking, that never learns to dance… David danced before the Lord.
It's the dream, afraid
of waking, that never takes the chance…"Entrust your works
unto the Lord and your plans will succeed."
It's the one who won't
be taken, who cannot seem to give…“Love is not selfish…For God so loved the world
He GAVE…!”
And the soul, afraid of
dying, that never learns to live…"What shall a man give in exchange
for his soul…For what is man profited if he should gain the whole world but
lose his soul?” Or more accurately…“Let
not your heart be anxious, for I am with you always, even unto the end of
When the night has been
too lonely, and the road has been too long…"I am going but I
will not leave you alone. I will send you a comforter, a counselor to guide and
help you.”
And you think that love
is only for the lucky and the strong…. “God is love and he who dwells in love
dwells with God. The meek shall inherit the earth…blessed are the poor in
spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.”
Just remember in the
(of darkness and sin)....Jesus died so that we might have life, He conquered
sin and darkness…. “I came so that you might have life, in abundance, to the
full, overflowing.”
Far beneath the bitter
can something so beautiful, so pure, be so bitter and cold? God is light. He
washes us clean with the shed blood of His Son so that we might be as pure as
the snow.
Lies the seed, (of faith)...that with the sun's (Son's) the spring... (season of new birth, new life)...becomes the rose (an attractive flower).
what a revelation!
immediately sat down and wrote the ensuing compilation paralleling the love of
God and the life of a Christian to the words of this song.
do you suppose God used a country song to teach me about Himself?
believe God was using a means familiar to me to show the depth and power of His
love for me.
is my prayer the words contained herein will do the same for you.
I begin, let me answer a few questions about myself. I am not a minister or
even a candidate for the ministry. I have no degree or doctorate in psychology
or anything resembling either. I am simply a Christian housewife and mother
who's been blessed with a talent for writing and who desires to glorify the
Lord of my life with that talent.
I said in my opening statement, the Lord led me to write this analogy so the
words in it (and I'm sure He also led the songwriter to write such a beautiful
song) are His, guided through me by the power of the Holy Spirit to speak to
you. So, let's begin.
Love is A Rose can be Purchased at:
Smashwords for E-Readers and Deeper Shopping!
Find me at:
Thanks for letting me share!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" ™
And comment on this post for a chance to win an e-copy of Dawnflight by Kim Headlee... enter often throughout the Eggcerpt Exchange!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
#EggcerptExchange: Sink or Swim by @stacyjuba
You'll need your deerstalker cap and water wings for today's Eggcerpt Exchange offering, Sink or Swim by Stacy Juba!
Cassidy sat poised in her chair as former contestants filed onto the soundstage at WBC in New York. Together, the studio audience and television viewers had watched the recorded footage of her walking the plank. Gabriel would now interview the competitors from the inaugural season one final time. More importantly, he would announce her prize. If it erased most of her debts, then it would at least make this whole embarrassing experience worthwhile.
Cassidy’s heart kicked in her chest and sweat moistened her brow. As one of her old teammates entered, her heart rate skyrocketed for a different reason. Josh Sanchioni slid into a bucket seat, carrying himself stiffer than normal in his sharp gray suit. Studio lights caught his sunbleached strawberry blonde waves, brightening the reddish gold tints.
Cassidy slipped her gaze to his leather shoes. If Josh hadn’t been engaged, they could have been an item. Instead, they’d been good friends until that one evening when the cameras were off and they almost kissed. They’d both realized their mistake and backed away. Things were strained until Josh walked the plank a week later. Tonight, not only did Cassidy have to face Josh, she would probably meet his fiancĂ©e.
Her cheeks heating, Cassidy focused on the competitor beside Josh as a distraction. Adam Horton sat erect, hands folded in the lap of his olive green khakis. He wasn’t military, but he dressed like an Army wannabe. His reptilian eyes drilled into Cassidy, his angular face revealing the shape of bones underneath. A blond goatee darkened his pointy chin. Cassidy shuddered involuntarily. Adam never said much, but he made her uncomfortable just the same. She’d sense someone watching her on the ship and Adam would be lurking in the hatches. Luckily, he only lasted on the show two weeks.
“Before we catch up with our former contestants, I’d like to congratulate Cassidy on a job well done,” Gabriel said in the middle of the circle.
Applause thundered from the audience and a wave of excitement crested over her. Cassidy offered a smile for the cameras as Gabriel finished, “I’m proud to present you with your prize – a luxury vacation for two to the Bahamas on a real cruise ship with $3,000 spending money!”
Dumbfounded, Cassidy watched as a video depicted a majestic ocean liner on the large TV screen. “Set sail with us to the Bahamas, where you can swim with dolphins in turquoise waters, relax on sugar white beaches and explore the island’s history as a haven for pirates,” said the female announcer in a voice-over. “On your voyage, you can enjoy our ten lounges, two outdoor pools, luxury spa, casino, cinema, dynamite shows, and glass walls and elevators that get you up close to the ocean views.”
Another boat? More ocean views? Were they friggin’ serious? A frozen smile hovered on Cassidy’s lips. Too bad she’d already seen the counselor that afternoon and he’d attested that all her screws were still in place. This travesty might be enough to unhinge her.
Buy it:
Amazon Kindle
Barnes & Noble (Nook)
Author Stacy Juba's Links:
And comment on this post for a chance to win an e-copy of Dawnflight by Kim Headlee... enter often throughout the Eggcerpt Exchange!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
#EggcerptExchange: #LongTimeWOW by @JoanBSimon
Today on the Maze:
Long Time Walk on Water by Joan Simon
Emily Thompson, Rose to
her friends, emigrates to the motherland, England, in search of a better
life for her two young children, whom she is forced to leave behind. It
will be hard work for the young mother in this rich man’s country; not
only must Rose scrape the money together for a new life, but she must
also come to terms with this unknown phenomenon, di Hinglish dem.
Once you get off that bus that puts you down before the council estate, it’s the daunting anonymity of fifteen-storey, twenty-storey monsters jutting out between the multitude of low-rise blocks connected to each other by a dizzy web of bridges, stairs and alleyways. After a battle of more than two years, the residents had finally managed to persuade the local council to paint the doors to each ‘house’ a different colour, since not only relatives but the residents themselves were forever losing their way. Consequently, Lyndon House doors had all been painted a dark green, Havelock House a light blue, Clarence House an optimistic yellow. A placard at the top of the main road leading into the estate read: Welcome to spaghetti alley, otherwise known as the hall of mirrors. Please leave your faces in the foyer. Thank you. Management.
A couple of houses in the block are boarded up. Amazing, how quickly a place can run down. It hadn't been that bad when they had moved in, Jack remembers. If everyone were to plant a few flowers on their balcony in the summer and make sure their kids went to school, he didn’t want his kids turning teenagers in this environment but what could he do? His feet smack the concrete floor. The sound carries far, far enough for gangs lurking behind pillars yards ahead to know you were on your way but he lives there and isn’t afraid. Boys trying to be men. He’d smack their bloody heads together if they ever tried to mug him or anyone in his family. In a parallel house an old lady is sitting by her window, her curtains pushed aside. She looks out over her mug of tea. Further along, rock music blasts from a bedroom window. Elsewhere, a mother, fraught, fed up; “Daniel! Come ’ere before I give you one! Come ’ere right now... you fink I’m joking?” Silence for a while, then, “Daniel!” Jack can hear the impatience brewing in her voice. “Right that’s it, you’ve had ya warning.” Whack! A toddler screams out that wet, gargling scream. Father storms into the room, starts effing and blinding, but Daniel’s mum gives as good as she gets. Maybe it will come to blows. The old woman shakes her head as she withdraws from the window. From the profanity. Jack takes a shortcut past the playground; two car-tyre swings mope from the branches like carcinogenic fruit, a metal slide, a see-saw and a sandpit, or at least it had been, before the sand had been pinched. Another left turn, and Jack is home. Lift’s not working again. He begins to climb the stairs to the seventh floor.
Buy links:
Long Time Walk on Water by Joan Simon
James Dunbar. Jack is
what he answers to. Picking his way through the mucky incidents of life,
he consoles himself that things will get better.
They happen to meet at a bus-stop, Emily and Jack.
An account of the black
immigrant experience jostling to find its place among the white working
class. A tale of how the humble live whilst waiting for their dreams to
come true. A virtuoso performance in which the protagonists slip in and
out of names like garments to the same measure that Time shifts like the
plates of the earth, Long Time Walk on Water is, above all, an
unforgettable love story: the story of a mother’s love and the price her
family must pay for generations to come.
Once you get off that bus that puts you down before the council estate, it’s the daunting anonymity of fifteen-storey, twenty-storey monsters jutting out between the multitude of low-rise blocks connected to each other by a dizzy web of bridges, stairs and alleyways. After a battle of more than two years, the residents had finally managed to persuade the local council to paint the doors to each ‘house’ a different colour, since not only relatives but the residents themselves were forever losing their way. Consequently, Lyndon House doors had all been painted a dark green, Havelock House a light blue, Clarence House an optimistic yellow. A placard at the top of the main road leading into the estate read: Welcome to spaghetti alley, otherwise known as the hall of mirrors. Please leave your faces in the foyer. Thank you. Management.
“Someone reckons he’s a real clever dick,” mutters Jack as
he winds his way through the estate; past the first two low-rise blocks, past
the newsagent’s, the fish-n-chip shop, the launderette, the post office, the
betting office and the off licence. A short queue had formed in the chippy, and
through the fluttering multicoloured strips of a plastic curtain hanging in the
entrance to the betting office, men’s voices joke, shout, hope, swear. Post
office being next to the betting office and the off licence, a fair amount of
welfare probably never made it to a man’s front door, thought Jack, such is
life. He turns another corner: Where do the fucking architects live, eh, some
urban artist wanted to know. And underneath: In a house like you do you
ungrateful bastard. Workers of the World Unite had been crossed out and
replaced by: All you need is Love, the universal imperative embellished by
crudely sprayed peace-flowers.
A couple of houses in the block are boarded up. Amazing, how quickly a place can run down. It hadn't been that bad when they had moved in, Jack remembers. If everyone were to plant a few flowers on their balcony in the summer and make sure their kids went to school, he didn’t want his kids turning teenagers in this environment but what could he do? His feet smack the concrete floor. The sound carries far, far enough for gangs lurking behind pillars yards ahead to know you were on your way but he lives there and isn’t afraid. Boys trying to be men. He’d smack their bloody heads together if they ever tried to mug him or anyone in his family. In a parallel house an old lady is sitting by her window, her curtains pushed aside. She looks out over her mug of tea. Further along, rock music blasts from a bedroom window. Elsewhere, a mother, fraught, fed up; “Daniel! Come ’ere before I give you one! Come ’ere right now... you fink I’m joking?” Silence for a while, then, “Daniel!” Jack can hear the impatience brewing in her voice. “Right that’s it, you’ve had ya warning.” Whack! A toddler screams out that wet, gargling scream. Father storms into the room, starts effing and blinding, but Daniel’s mum gives as good as she gets. Maybe it will come to blows. The old woman shakes her head as she withdraws from the window. From the profanity. Jack takes a shortcut past the playground; two car-tyre swings mope from the branches like carcinogenic fruit, a metal slide, a see-saw and a sandpit, or at least it had been, before the sand had been pinched. Another left turn, and Jack is home. Lift’s not working again. He begins to climb the stairs to the seventh floor.
Buy links:
Follow Joan on:
Comment on this post for a chance to win an ebook copy of Dawnflight by Kim Headlee—enter often throughout the Eggcerpt Exchange!
Sunday, April 13, 2014
#EggcerptExchange: Jixit by @JudeL
Today I am pleased to help Author Jude Liebermann promote her latest release, hot off the press! (In more ways than one, apparently. ;-)
About Jixit:
Colin Jix is a loner. He’s had to be, so he lives in a remote mountain town where he limits his contact with other people. He’s settled into his solitary life and resigned himself to be alone. That is until Dot Tate shows up with a broken down car and needs his help. Neither can fight their immediate attraction, but then he discovers a tragic secret and must step outside his comfort zone to make things right.
A persistent knocking woke him early the next morning. Disoriented and still tired from lack of sleep, he rolled off the couch and stumbled to the door. Without thought he pulled it open with a yawn and then froze, suddenly remembering he never opened his door to strangers as well as making sure he was completely dressed first. As the cool air from the hallway hit his naked chest, he realized he still wore the towel from his shower the night before. Her scent on that unwelcome air hit him harder, and he covered his crotch with one hand and slammed the door shut with the other.
Dot was left standing in the hall, staring at the door, but that’s not what she saw. The vision of Colin in only a towel would be forever imprinted on her retinas. Her mouth fell open at those muscles, and the hair lightly sprinkled on his chest and abdomen, disappearing beneath the low riding towel. His tattered uniform and all that grease had hidden much more than she could have hoped for, and she licked her lips.
“Oh my!” The breath rushed from her lungs, before she sucked it back in and knocked on the door again.
“Yeah, hold your damn horses!” His muffled shout replied from a distance.
Her instincts told her to get the hell out of there. She’d already embarrassed him, and she didn’t want to make it worse, but she knew she couldn’t leave without at least apologizing for taking him so unaware. She thought mechanics always got up early. Glancing at her watch, she winced, having read the time wrong. It probably was too early to show up at a man’s home, especially one she barely knew.
Dot took a few steps away from the door and waited. His agitation came through the wood in muffled curses, and she clenched her fingers together behind her back. When the door finally opened again, black covered Colin from head to toe. The only bit of skin visible was the part of his face the knitted cap and matching scarf didn’t cover. She frowned, wanting to see his hair without all that grease, and she missed that opportunity earlier when she couldn’t tear her eyes from his muscular chest and arms.
His whole body blocked the doorway as he glared at her. “How did you know where I live?”
She gave him what she hoped was her most charming smile. “So I guess you’re not going to invite me in?”
His objection to that suggestion shone clearly in his disgruntled features. “I was actually on my way out.” He closed and locked the door behind him and then marched past her to the stairs. “I thought you understood that your car won’t be ready for at least a week.”
Dot stared at his ass, wishing his jeans were a bit tighter. “Of course you made that clear. I was having breakfast at the diner and mentioned how my phone switches off for no reason. The waitress mentioned you. I actually think she has a crush on you.”
Colin stopped half way down the stairs and looked over his shoulder at her. “You mean Rose?”
She nodded, unable to keep the humor from showing in her grin.
“Rose has a crush on every eligible man in the whole town. I’ll have to talk to her about giving out my address to strangers though.”
Dot raced down the stairs and stopped in front of him. “I’m not a stranger.”
He stared down at her, his expression unreadable, and she tried not to fidget under his intense scrutiny. He held out his gloved hand to her, and she stared at it, unsure what to do. Did he want to hold her hand? A warm rush flowed through her body at the thought, even though she wouldn’t be holding his bare hand.
“Your phone?”
“Oh, of course.” She couldn’t stop the nervous giggle that escaped as she scrambled through her purse in search of her cell phone. Once found, she placed it in his gloved palm.
Colin stared at it for a moment, and she saw uncertainty cross his face. Finally, he pulled off one glove and cradled the phone in his fingers. She could only stare in awe as his expression changed, as if he no longer saw the phone but something bigger, and his eyes scanned the empty air above his palm.
He blinked a few times and then refocused on her. “I’ll walk you back to the diner. I should have your phone fixed by then.”
Without another word, he passed her on the stairs, and she had no other choice but to follow him.
Available for pre-order at Barnes & Noble and will be soon at Kobo Books and iTunes, but you can view it and read the first chapter now on April 11th is the official release date when it will be on
Follow Jude Liebermann on: | @judel
And comment on this post for a chance to win an e-copy of Dawnflight by Kim Headlee... enter often throughout the Eggcerpt Exchange!
About Jixit:
Colin Jix is a loner. He’s had to be, so he lives in a remote mountain town where he limits his contact with other people. He’s settled into his solitary life and resigned himself to be alone. That is until Dot Tate shows up with a broken down car and needs his help. Neither can fight their immediate attraction, but then he discovers a tragic secret and must step outside his comfort zone to make things right.
A persistent knocking woke him early the next morning. Disoriented and still tired from lack of sleep, he rolled off the couch and stumbled to the door. Without thought he pulled it open with a yawn and then froze, suddenly remembering he never opened his door to strangers as well as making sure he was completely dressed first. As the cool air from the hallway hit his naked chest, he realized he still wore the towel from his shower the night before. Her scent on that unwelcome air hit him harder, and he covered his crotch with one hand and slammed the door shut with the other.
Dot was left standing in the hall, staring at the door, but that’s not what she saw. The vision of Colin in only a towel would be forever imprinted on her retinas. Her mouth fell open at those muscles, and the hair lightly sprinkled on his chest and abdomen, disappearing beneath the low riding towel. His tattered uniform and all that grease had hidden much more than she could have hoped for, and she licked her lips.
“Oh my!” The breath rushed from her lungs, before she sucked it back in and knocked on the door again.
“Yeah, hold your damn horses!” His muffled shout replied from a distance.
Her instincts told her to get the hell out of there. She’d already embarrassed him, and she didn’t want to make it worse, but she knew she couldn’t leave without at least apologizing for taking him so unaware. She thought mechanics always got up early. Glancing at her watch, she winced, having read the time wrong. It probably was too early to show up at a man’s home, especially one she barely knew.
Dot took a few steps away from the door and waited. His agitation came through the wood in muffled curses, and she clenched her fingers together behind her back. When the door finally opened again, black covered Colin from head to toe. The only bit of skin visible was the part of his face the knitted cap and matching scarf didn’t cover. She frowned, wanting to see his hair without all that grease, and she missed that opportunity earlier when she couldn’t tear her eyes from his muscular chest and arms.
His whole body blocked the doorway as he glared at her. “How did you know where I live?”
She gave him what she hoped was her most charming smile. “So I guess you’re not going to invite me in?”
His objection to that suggestion shone clearly in his disgruntled features. “I was actually on my way out.” He closed and locked the door behind him and then marched past her to the stairs. “I thought you understood that your car won’t be ready for at least a week.”
Dot stared at his ass, wishing his jeans were a bit tighter. “Of course you made that clear. I was having breakfast at the diner and mentioned how my phone switches off for no reason. The waitress mentioned you. I actually think she has a crush on you.”
Colin stopped half way down the stairs and looked over his shoulder at her. “You mean Rose?”
She nodded, unable to keep the humor from showing in her grin.
“Rose has a crush on every eligible man in the whole town. I’ll have to talk to her about giving out my address to strangers though.”
Dot raced down the stairs and stopped in front of him. “I’m not a stranger.”
He stared down at her, his expression unreadable, and she tried not to fidget under his intense scrutiny. He held out his gloved hand to her, and she stared at it, unsure what to do. Did he want to hold her hand? A warm rush flowed through her body at the thought, even though she wouldn’t be holding his bare hand.
“Your phone?”
“Oh, of course.” She couldn’t stop the nervous giggle that escaped as she scrambled through her purse in search of her cell phone. Once found, she placed it in his gloved palm.
Colin stared at it for a moment, and she saw uncertainty cross his face. Finally, he pulled off one glove and cradled the phone in his fingers. She could only stare in awe as his expression changed, as if he no longer saw the phone but something bigger, and his eyes scanned the empty air above his palm.
He blinked a few times and then refocused on her. “I’ll walk you back to the diner. I should have your phone fixed by then.”
Without another word, he passed her on the stairs, and she had no other choice but to follow him.
Available for pre-order at Barnes & Noble and will be soon at Kobo Books and iTunes, but you can view it and read the first chapter now on April 11th is the official release date when it will be on
Follow Jude Liebermann on: | @judel
And comment on this post for a chance to win an e-copy of Dawnflight by Kim Headlee... enter often throughout the Eggcerpt Exchange!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
The Dawnflier, April 2014
![]() |
A seagull at dawn, 4/5/2014, Myrtle Beach, SC Photo (c) 2014 by Kim Headlee |
Please forgive the tardiness of the
April 2014 edition of The Dawnflier! My daughter qualified to compete at
a track meet two states away, and I had every intention of getting this update
into your hands prior to leaving for that trip. But you know as well as I do
which road is paved with good intentions... :)
I have two appearances scheduled this
month, both in Wytheville, VA. On April 14-15, I will be signing &
selling my books at the Wythe County Public Library, 300 E Monroe Street, from noon to 4 p.m.
on Monday, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday. Saturday, April 26th you
will find me at 175 W Main St
between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. for the inaugural Experience Arts in Wytheville artist
& author showcase and sale. I hope to see you at one of these great events
this month!
Congratulations to Hayley G. (already
notified), who won an e-copy of Dawnflight from among the list of folks
who added me to their Google+
circles or commented upon my blog posts in March. Enter
early, enter often (with your comments!) in April for the next drawing, and
good luck!
And congratulations to the 10 winners
of signed copies of Dawnflight via Goodreads! Stay
tuned for a similar contest for Morning’s Journey in June.
The 2014 Eggcerpt Exchange has been a
lot of fun to host here on The Maze! The April calendar includes:
4/8/14: Summer's Growth (contemporary romance) by
Tina Gayle
4/13/14: Jixit (paranormal romance) by Jude
4/15/14: Long Time Walk on Water (contemporary
romance) by Joan Simon
4/17/14: Sink or Swim (romantic suspense) by Stacy
4/18/14: Love is a Rose (Christian devotional) by
Pamela Thibodeaux
I’m down to the wire in preparing two
new novels to release: King Arthur's Sister in Washington's Court
(sequel to Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court,
featuring time travel with romantic elements through the eyes of Queen Morgan
le Fay in the late 21st century) and Snow in July (historical paranormal
romance set just after the Norman conquest of England). Bloggers &
reviewers, some of you have already expressed interest in reading galley
e-copies of one or both books, and I’ll be getting those to you soon! For
everyone else, please leave a comment on this post if you are interested in previewing
these exciting new releases.
Thanks, Happy Easter, and I hope you
get a chance to enjoy your lovely spring weather!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
#EggcerptExchange: Summer's Growth by @AuthorTinaGayle
For today’s Eggcerpt Exchange I am pleased to offer Summer’s Growth by Tina Gayle:
Mattie Winston, sober,
sensible, and steady, has served as Keeper to the family for decades. Amber
Harrison, hovering on the edge of flunking out of college, unsure what she
wants out of life, has barely even heard of the Winston estate. The family,
however, has decided that it's time for the changing of the guard. These two
exceptional women soon find themselves dealing with violence, murder attempts,
and old family mysteries while each finding the love of her life. Two romances
and a growing friendship, all twined around a brooding family tragedy, make for
an outstanding paranormal mystery offering depth and charm beyond the
commonplace. The growing love of Amber and Carter and of Mattie and Quincy
offer readers a tender and engaging first novel in a winning new paranormal
Or read more at:
Find Tina Gayle at:
And comment on this post for a chance to win an e-copy of Dawnflight by Kim Headlee... enter often throughout the Eggcerpt Exchange!
In the spirit-haunted
Winston estate in Ohio, rooted in time and occupied by the lingering ghosts of
a great family, the torch is about to pass...
“Trust us child to find a soul who will honor your position. Nothing
will remove your fears until you can reclaim your life’s mission and
enjoy the rest of your days on earth.”
“But what if Amber doesn’t like it here? She’s a young college student
from sunny California. Why would she move to Ohio where it’s cold? Even
in the summer, we don’t have beautiful weather. The rain can last for
“There is no dispute,” Jonathan growled. “Amber is a Winston. She longs to live here.”
“But you don’t get it. There’s no guarantee. Josh has lived here all
his life. He’ll do a good job.” Mattie wished Jonathan could see her
point. Things might not turn out like he’d planned.
“Besides Cynthia will be deeply hurt when she finds out everything is
under the control of a stranger instead of her son. She won’t
“The Council’s point exactly. Cynthia cares only for gold, not for
others. It’s best for the family to have someone else as the keeper.”
The havoc this decision would cause in Mattie’s life washed bitter bile through her mouth. She swallowed, hard.
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Saturday, April 5, 2014
#EggcerptExchange: The Bruised Thistle by @Ashley1066York
Today’s Eggcerpt Exchange offering is
The Bruised Thistle by Ashley York!
About The Bruised Thistle:
Seumas MacDonell is a man wounded in body and soul, driven by guilt.
When he rescues Iseabail from one of his men, he cannot deny the
attraction he feels for her, despite the wound that left him unable to
act on it. In the hope of finding redemption for his sins, he agrees to
help Iseabail…but will his feelings for her prove to be the ultimate
obstacle to his salvation?
“It was quite an adventure,” Calum
chirped. “Then they called after me ‘thief, theif’ and chased me when I
took off on Seumas’s horse.”
Seumas smiled at Calum. “You did fine, lad.”
Calum came to stand beside the man, rubbing the long ears of his pet. “Did you give her the herbs?”
“Nae, I didn’t need them.” Seumas pierced Iseabail with his look. “I was able to get the fever down by other means.”
Calum frowned and looked between them. “How?”
“I took her to the river.”
“Oh.” Calum nodded, satisfied with the answer. “I will go out and find some food for my rabbit, if you think it safe.”
“Do not go far, lad. There is plenty near here that vermin can eat.”
Iseabail shifted in his arms. “Can you put me down now?”
He did not answer, nor did he comply. Instead, he inched his hand up her neck and started working little circles into her skin. She fought the desire to close her eyes. It felt so good.
“Do ye not want to know how I got your fever down?”
“You said you brought me to the river.”
He held her gaze then pulled her toward him, and she knew he was going to kiss her. His lips were warm, and the lightening surged through her again. He kissed her lightly at first then more urgently. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer.
He straightened abruptly then placed her on her cloak. “Ye should get some sleep.”
Seumas pushed past Calum as he was coming back in.
“Told you he was mad,” Calum said.
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And comment on this post for a chance to win an e-copy of Dawnflight by Kim Headlee... enter often throughout the Eggcerpt Exchange!
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