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Garden City Beach, SC looking north, 9/28/2016 18:33 ET. Photo (c)2016 by Kim Headlee. |
Is it October already? Wow, where has this year gone? Oh I know: lots of stuff going on!
And, yes, I know: join the club. We have flip-flops. :D
In addition to the latest family doings, such as my youngest nephew getting married last weekend and my daughter moving into her own apartment off campus earlier in September, I've been up to my eyeballs in writing projects and personal appearances.
Speaking of personal appearances, I extend a special welcome to the dozens of you I met at my most recent personal appearances, including BW Country Store and Olde Salem Day! That last one was a scorcher, wasn’t it? But I had so much fun chatting with everyone—not to mention the record sales day in spite of the heat—that I’m all set to do it again next year, heat or no heat. I am also pleased to express heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in my recent online Rafflecopter and Amazon giveaways.
Book news:
- King Arthur's Sister in Washington's Court enjoyed several days at the number 1 spot on category best-seller lists at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo, and is still in the top 20 there at the time of this writing. Oh, and the categories? Mainly “time travel romance” and “science fiction/fantasy time travel,” though I’m still trying to figure out why Amazon put it into the “science fiction space marines” and “science fiction alien invasion” categories too. The mind does boggle. Thank you, everyone who helped to propel it to all those heights!
- What’s my next BookBub deal going to be? Either Dawnflight or Liberty, depending on which book they select for promotion next. Follow me on BookBub so you don’t miss out!
- After two weeks wrestling with subtitles, which is unusual for me, I have finally settled on The Business of Writing: Practical Insights for Independent, Hybrid, and Traditionally Published Authors. I am working on the final edits and hope to get it into retail channels later this month.
- Next up to bat will be completing the editing of Raging Sea: Enemies and Allies (The Dragon's Dove Chronicles book 3, part 2). I had hoped to have it available sooner, but… well, life. I’m pedaling as fast as I can, I assure you!
- Raging Sea: Reckonings is now permafree for Kindle, Nook, iTunes, and Kobo customers! What are you waiting for?
Upcoming appearances are legion this month:
- Sunday, October 9, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Big Walker Lookout & Country Store, US Route 52 at the summit of Big Walker Mountain, Wytheville, VA.
- October 9 – 16 (online), Virtual FantasyCon 2016. Events conducted throughout the week on Facebook for various subgenres of Fantasy fiction.
- Sunday, October 16, 1 – 3 p.m., special “Meet the Author” book signing at the Connecticut Renaissance Faire, 300 Washington Ave., Hartford, CT.
- October 21 – 22, Rising Star 25, Bluefield College, Bluefield, WV. I'm presenting my Business of Writing Workshop, parts 1 & 2 as well as selling and signing my books.
- Saturday, October 29, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Edwards Hall Room 117, NRCC Comic-Con 2016, New River Community College, Dublin, VA. I will have a vendor table and will be presenting The Business of Writing workshop part 1.
Chunk a pumpkin for me! Or not. :D
Thank you so much for your interest in and support of my work.
Kim Headlee
Sgeulachd ni sinn na’s mò. ~ Stories make us greater.
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